A Hole in the Ground

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The next morning we set sail towards the heading which the compass led us. But all hell broke lose when Elizabeth walked up to Jack and showed him the documents of Lord Beckett. I was standing a few steps behind them and overheard the conversation.

'Captain, I have to show you something. I think you would like to know.' Elizabeth said and grabbed the papers and shoved them under Jack's nose, who was accompanied by Gibbs. Jack read the papers and looked at them with a disgusting face and handed them over to Gibbs to read. 'Beckett?' Gibbs asked. 'Yes, they're signed.' Elizabeth said: 'Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company.' I couldn't believe what she was saying. She was betraying our plan to free us to Jack and Gibbs. 'Blegh.' Jack said as he looked at the papers. Gibbs whispered to Jack: 'Will and y/n were working for Beckett and never said a word. Beckett wants the compass. Only one reason for that.' Jack didn't seem surprised about what he just found out and was more intrigued by the motive of Beckett to do all this: 'Ofcourse. He wants the chest.' He looked at Gibbs and then looked around. 'Ah! Y/n! There you are. Come over here, darling.' He said and gestured. I looked at Elizabeth with an angry face. I was really glad that Jack wasn't mad about us working with Beckett to free us. After all, it had been for a good cause. But after all that happened, it didn't really matter to us anymore. All we were trying to do is save Will from Davy Jones. Elizabeth added: 'He did say something about a chest.' Gibbs said what I feared: 'If the company controls the chest, they controls the sea.' Jack looked at me and nodded: 'A truly discomfirting notion, love.' 'And bad.' I added. 'Bad for every mother's son what calls himself a pirate.' Gibbs followed: 'I think there's a bit more speed to be coaxed from these sails. Brace the foreyard!' And with that Gibbs walked off.

'Might I enquire as to how you came by these?' Jack asked and looked at Elizabeth strictly. 'Peruasion.' She added and Jack stepped closer to intimidate her: 'Friendly?' 'Decidedly not.' Elizabeth said and sounded irritated. 'Will and y/n strike a deal for these, yet you were the one with the prize... full pardon: "Commission as a privateer on behalf of England and the East India Trading Company". As if I could be bought for such a low price.' I rolled my eyes. He put the documents in his pockets and I walked up to him. 'Jack, the letters, give them back to us.' I stood behind him and he turned his head to the side to give me a side eye: 'No.' He paused for a moment and said in an attractive low voice: 'Persuade me.' I couldn't believe what I heard. I put my mouth right next to his ear: 'You do know I know how to handle a sword?' He closed his eyes and let out a sigh in which a small moan could be heard which made me weak on my knees. He turned around quickly and looked me in the eyes, only a few inches away from each other. He smiled mockingly: 'As I said, persuade me.' This caught me off-guard and I turned to look at Elizabeth and she shrugged. 'As I thought.' Jack smirked and walked away.

I stood by the railing and Elizabeth stood next to me. We had been silent for a few minutes and were both staring at the ocean when a certain man walked up next to us. 'It's a curious thing.' He looked at Elizabeth and Norrington followed: 'There was a time I would have wanted you to look at me like y/n looked at Sparrow while thinking about me.' I pretended to not hear the conversation and stared at the waves. 'I do not know what you mean.' Elizabeth said and turned to face him. He laughed and said: 'I think you do.' 'Oh don't be absurd.' Elizabeth was getting irritated by him. 'Mind your own business.' She added and he laughed and walked off.

A little later, I was sitting on the stairs and staring in front of me when Jack walked up to me again and joined me. 'You look troubled.' He said, studying my face. I let out a big sigh and looked at him: 'Well, what would you expect? My brother is captured by Davy Jones.' I gave him a fake smile and he returned it, holding a bottle of rum in front of me. I took it and took a few sips. The rum went down my throat and warmed it up, leaving me with a light blush on my face. 'You know it would be great if you actually save Will.' I said and stared at the clouds in the sky. 'Me?' Jack said. 'Yes. There will come a moment when you have a chance to show it. That you do the right thing.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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