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We were brought to a cliff and we saw that the rest of the crew was also there waiting for us, they looked sad. 'There ye are.' Gibbs said and explained: 'I don't really know what they're gonna do with us, but it can't be good.' He pointed down the cliff and we saw round cages hanging above it from a wobbly bridge. It didn't really look safe at all.

Will and I got freed from the poles we were tied onto, but the freedom didn't last long. The natives pulled the cages up the side of the cliff and put us in there. With a group, they lowered us carefully into the abyss. 

'Why would he do this to us?' I said and looked at Will, who shook his head. 'I don't know.' He said. 'If Jack is their chief...' I said and looked desperately at Gibbs, who answered: 'Aye, the Pelegostos made Jack their chief, but he only remains chief as long as he acts like a chief.' I was just wondering how Gibbs knew what Jack was doing and how he knew the name of the native folk when Will said: 'So he had no choice. He's a captive as much as the rest of us.' I looked to my right and the view of the ocean was breathtaking, if it weren't for the fact that we would die in these round cages. 'Worse, as it turns out.' Gibbs sighed. 'See, the Pelegostos believe that Jack is a god in human form, and they intend to do him the honor of releasing him frm his fleshy prison.' Will looked with a puzzling face into the abyss as Mr. Cotton grabbed Gibbs' finger and bit on it, he groaned and pulled back his hand. I gasped, because it just occurred to me what they were going to do with Jack. 'He said to me that we had to save him somehow.' I said and looked at the crew. Gibbs wasn't paying any attention to me and said: 'They'll roast him and eat him.' Will looked at Gibbs and asked: 'Where's the rest of the crew?' I just then noticed that we were with a lot less men than normally. Gibbs looked at the cages: 'These cages we're in weren't built till after we got here.' I looked at the cage in horror as I realised that the bones we were captivated in were actually made of the bodies of our own crewmembers.

'The feast is about to begin.' Gibbs said  and we heard drums in the distance. 'Jack's life will end when the drums stop.' I stepped forward and pulled on Gibbs arm so he would at last listen to me: 'Well, we can't just sit here and wait, then, can we?' I looked around, trying to come up with a solution to our cage and abyss problems.

'I got something, I think.' Will said after 5 minutes of thinking, desperately hoping that the drums wouldn't stop. 'What if we swing hard enough so we can get to the side of the cliff and drag ourselves up with the vines. I think they are strong enough to help us get up.' I smiled at my intelligent brother. 'You are amazing brother.' I said. 'Well then, what are we waiting for?!' Will said and we began to swing the cages, trying to come close enough to the vines so we could grab them. The cages shrieked, but we didn't pay any mind to it, because this would be our only hope of saving ourselves and if we were lucky, of saving Jack.

To be fairly honest, saving Jack was the only thing on my mind right then. Thinking back, I could laugh about the whole situation. Jack with the silly paint on his face, being a god in human form according to the Pelegostos. Life with Jack couldn't possibly be boring.

After swinging up and down multiple times, we finally got a hold of the thick vines. 'Put your legs through the cage. Start to climb!' Gibbs yelled and we did as he said. The whole crew was grunting and groaning as we tried to make our way up the rocks. 'Come on, men! It'll take all of us to crew the Black Pearl!' Will yelled. 

The cage next to us, which I paid no mind at at first, was yelling back to us: 'Actually, you wouldn't need everyone!' I saw that the group in the other cage wasn't part of our crew. The guy looked at the men in his cage and yelled: 'About six would do!' We paused for a second and looked at eachother with rivalry. 'Oh dear...' the man said and our cage and their cage started to race against eachother to the top. 'Hurry!' Will yelled.

The Pirate's Heart - Jack Sparrow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now