The Flying Dutchman

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We went back into the boats to make our way back to the Pearl. In the mean time it had become night outside and I decided to make my way down into the bottom layers of the ship to try and get some rest. When I almost closed my eyes and dozed off, I remembered something.

I stood up and went looking for my brother. After half an hour of searching on the ship, I found Will on the front of the ship, standing next to a canon and hanging on the railing. He was staring into the deep blue nightsky. There were almost no stars on the sky's canvas that night, because the sky was actually really cloudy and dark. 'What are you thinking about?' I said as I approached him and also hanged on the railing of the ship. 'Elizabeth. You. Me. Jack.' He sighed and looked down at the ocean. 'I get it. I think a lot about that too.' I grinned and grabbed my brother's hand. 'Though I do think you think more about Jack than I do.' He responded and I looked at him with disgust. 'Will!' I laughed and playfully slapped him on his arm. He chuckled too, but when the laughter died down, it went silent again and only the ocean and the creaking of the ship could be heard. 'I was wondering...' I said: 'If something happens, one of us should stay with Jack, to keep an eye on the compass.' Will looked at me and nodded. 'Good thinking. We need that compass to free Elizabeth and free ourselves.' And with that, everything was said, we as siblings just understood eachother with so little words. I hugged him goodnight and went back to my bed on the ship.

Later that night I was awoken by a storm. The wind was howling around the ship and the waves were crashing onto the Pearl with force. I turned around and Will entered my hut. 'We're almost here.' He said and I nodded and got out of my bed. Suddenly, I was really nervous about the whole Flying Dutchman thing. We would have to get the key to the chest someway or another, without alerting Davy Jones himself.

We went to the deck and outside it was pouring rain. Will and I glanced over the railing, trying to see if there was a certain ship out there. In the distance, we saw a ship, or more a shipwreck, stuck on a rock. I turned around and saw Jack and Gibbs. 'That's the Flying Dutchman?' I asked. Jack looked rather restless, but Gibbs and him managed to nod to my question. 'She doesn't look like much.' Will added and I agreed. 'Neither do you.' Jack said and walked inbetween us to look at the ship in the distance.  'Do not underestimate her.' Jack followed. Gibbs walked over and stood on my left side. 'Must have run afoul of the reef.' Jack looked at me and then at Will: 'So, what's  your plan, then?' Will glanced over to find my gaze and I nodded. He said: 'I row over, y/n will stay here, I will search the ship until I find your bloody key.' I swallowed, because I knew that this could end badly. 'And if there are crewman?' Jack asked. Will watched the ship with hawkeyes: 'I cut down anyone in my path.' He walked off and I just heard Jack saying: 'I like it. Simple, easy to remember.' as I walked after my brother. 

'Will, wait.' I said, trying to talk a little louder so Will would hear me over the pouring rain. He turned around. 'What?' He sounded quite irritated. I said nothing, walked over to him and gave him a hug. 'Be carefull.' I said and he sighed on my shoulder. 'I'll do my best.' He said. 'You be carefull too.'

He let go when one of the crewmembers yelled: 'Your chariot awaits you, sire.' Will climbed down the ladder into the boat that was waiting for him. Jack, Gibbs, Pintel and I bowed down and looked down at him from the railing of the Pearl. 'Oi!' Jack yelled. 'If you do happen to get captured, just say Jack Sparrow sent you to settle his debt! It might save your life.' I looked at Jack with a concerned face and grabbed his arm to turn him to me. 'What is that supposed to mean?' Jack simply smiled sheepishly and said: 'Oh nothing, love.' I frowned my eyebrows and looked at Will as he rowed the boat to the shipwreck on the rocks. Jack turned to Gibbs: 'Douse the lamps.' My mind was racing and I had a feeling that this wouldn't end well. What Jack had said, happened, the crewlids started to douse all the lamps that were lit on the ship. We were all soaking wet and watching the big waves that were splashing onto the little boat which Will was in.

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