Chapter 4

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*Inside Old Man Rom's Shack*

Hijiri: "Right, well. Let's get down to business."

Hearing this, Felt turned to face Subaru.

Felt: "How much are you willing to pay for it."

Subaru: "You do have the insignia right?"

Felt: "Of course I do!"

Felt reaches into her pockets to retrieve the insignia. Hijiri notices that the jewel in the center is glowing when Felt holds it.

Hijiri: 'This could be a problem.'

Felt: "See."

Felt hands it to Rom as Rom inspects it.

Felt: "This one's got a jewel in it, so I had to work pretty hard to get it. If you can pay enough to match my effort, we'll both be happy."

Subaru: "I don't have any money, but Hijiri-san here will pay for it."

Everyone's attention was drawn to Hijiri.

Hijiri: "I'm guessing someone asked you to steal it for them; what was their offer?"

Felt: "My client told me that I could get 10 holy coins for it."

Felt exclaimed excitedly.

Hijiri: "Wow, that's quite a high price, but I'll buy it for 15 holy coins for the sake of my friend and someone else."

Felt: "Hold on, we'll have to wait for the client, and they might bid higher."

Hijiri: "Eh, I guess there will be more waiting,"

Hijiri sighs, as he is growing tired of waiting. But for the time being, he will be patient because he knows who will arrive. But then there was a knock on the door. Everyone turned to the door when they heard this.

Rom: "Do they know the password?"

Felt: "Oh, I didn't mention it. That's probably for me. I'll go check."

Felt rose from her seat and walked to the door. Hijiri was staring at the door, coldly. Subaru turned to face Rom, who was asking a question.

Subaru: "You're okay for letting her use you like this?"

Rom: "Well it ain't like we're total strangers"

Hijiri was still staring at the door that, Felt, was opening as Subaru and Rom talked. His energy was about to burst when he saw the bowel hunter. But he kept it to himself because he knows what happened before was reversed and nothing has happened since. Hijiri remains vigilant, knowing that this is the bowel hunter.

Felt: "Over here, care to sit down?"

Bowel Hunter: "There seems to be several outsiders here."

Felt: "Well, I'll be in trouble if you bilked me. We weaklings have our own brand of smarts."

Bowel Hunter: "I know this older fellow, but who's these two young men?"

Felt: "These guys are your rivals. They are the other persons who are negotiating with me."

She then turned to face Subaru and just stared at him. This woman gives Subaru a creepy vibe.

*Timeskip - Inside Old Man Rom's Shack*

Everyone was seated at the same table. They introduced themselves and told Elsa the Bowel Hunter about the situation.

Elsa: "I see. I understand the situation now."

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