Cinnamon Rolls

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm ringing, signaling that its 7 in the morning. You rolled over to your phone, checking through your notifications. You set your phone back down and made your way to the bathroom to take a shower.

Afterwards, you brushed your teeth and went to decide on what to wear for the day. "Should I pick a more sporty looking outfit or a summery one?" You asked yourself. You always had that habit of not being able to decide, and you literally dreaded it.

Scavenging through your closet, someone knocked on your door. "Yes?" You walked towards your bedroom door, opening it to see your dad. "Oh hey dad. Good morning." You say.

"Morning sweetheart, your mom said for me tell you that the day trip has actually turned into a 3 day trip, so she wanted me to tell you so you could pack enough clothing."

You beamed with excitement, running back to your closet to pull out your suitcase. "What made it turn into a 3 day trip instead of one?" You say looking back at your dad, who was looking at your book collection. "I'm not sure, but you seem happy about it." You smiled, just thinking about the thought of going to beach and skipping school for a few days. "Yeah I am happy. I love the beach, it's so pretty."

"Well I'll head back down stairs. We'll be leaving in about 15-20 minutes, so be ready." Closing the door, your dad left you in your room by yourself again. You decided on summery outfits and had all your things packed, you just weren't ready yet.

You went back over towards your closet, searching for a cute outfit. You picked a green dress with white flowers on it and plain white vans.

While slipping the dress on, you heard your phone buzz meaning you got a text, but you just ignored it and tried zipping up the back the best you could.

You never struggled so much in your entire life while trying to zip it up. You got it a quarter way up, but your arms couldn't extend enough to zip it all the way up. "I'll just let mom d-"

Suddenly, door burst open, revealing Yeonjun at the door way with a backpack and a suitcase. "YOU'RE FRIENDLY COMPANY HAS ARRIVED!" He yelled.

"When did you get here?" You asked still struggling. "Oh about a minute ago, your mom said you were upstairs and I just figured this was your room because it had your name on the door. " He answered, pointing back towards the door. "Anyways what are you doing with your arms?"

You gave an annoyed look, putting your hands at your side. "Well I've been struggling to zip this dress up for the last 3 minutes. It's not as easy as it looks & I don't think you'd help in way shape or form." You scolded, turning back towards your mirror.

Setting his things down, Yeonjun made his way towards you, "I can do it, I have a sister and I help her all the time. That's if you'd want me to of course." You met his eyes in the mirror, noticing how the brown color shined in the morning sunlight. "Well uh go ahead then." You say, lifting up your hair so it wouldn't get caught in the zipper.

"All done!" He smiled shaking your shoulders. You laughed at how stupid he was, and that he had the perfect energy for any moment. "I bet you're so ready to spend a whole 3 days with me." He smirked, grabbing his things.

"How'd you know we'd be staying longer?" You asked picking up your suitcase.

"Well uh I got here about 15 minutes ago actually but then your mom said that I could go back home and get extra clothes if I wanted so I did and then came back over."

"Ohhh that's why my phone dinged" you grabbed your phone, heading down the stairs to meet your mom in the kitchen, with Yeonjun following behind you.

"Are you ready Y/n? Your dad is already outside I'm just turning everything off, so you can go put your things in the car." She says picking up her purse, switching off the lights. "Ok mom." You opened the front door, reaching the car and placed your things inside the trunk.

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