Mixed Up

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Why was it so hard to say something so simple, yet so risking? He didn't know. He was regretted it. He regretted it all. It was a good time then he just had to ruin it. It was all red.

"What if I were that person to make you fall?"

The car ride was silent and they didn't go somewhere else, even though he wanted too. It's only been a few days? Since he's seen her like this. And some spark, you could say, just exploded in him. Like it's been sitting in him since he met her, it just never affected him the way it does now. And you could guess, it's true. He never felt like he did ever. His stomach swarmed with little butterflies, and fireworks were happening in his heart. As mentioned before, he could feel his face warm up when around her. He never went into details about his "crush" for her with his friends though, and that might be the reason why he doesn't know a thing about what he's actually feeling.

Her eyes shimmer in the sunlight, as if her eyes were pools of gold. The mix of dark and light brown made her hair flow in the wind, as if it'd never stop. The warm feeling of her embrace made him feel safe and felt like he should never let go. Her glossy lips, the perfect shade of pink, never looked better on her. Her personality, fun & loving, never having a downside to it. And overall she was just perfect for him.

He wanted her.

Only her.

Nobody else.

Just her.

He came to his senses, knowing that it was just a crush. It wasn't a simple crush, nor a big one.

It was love.

He loved her.

Ever since the beginning, he loved her. Everything about her. From her bad days to good days. He didn't care if she were a mess, crying, hurt, or anything. He didn't care about any other thing. Just her.

He wasn't mixed up anymore. He knew what he needed. She was the only answer for him.

Nishimura Riki loved Kim Y/n.

(Ok so this chapter was pretty short compared to my other chapters, and I wanted it like that. I hope you're catching along on what the color red has to do with this whole story and if not, it'll make sense later on! )

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