strawberry seeds

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No answer. To busy playing video games, though it didn't bother you, just boredom and wanting someone to talk to. Some would say, "Are they even together at this point?" with no actual knowledge of what was happening. Unfortunately, though, your relationship with Niki did seem like it was going downhill.

Sad to say, huh?

But it wasn't as if two of you were arguing, ignoring each other. That could never happen. The overall picture was more so distance. Even though it'd been almost 2 days since that afternoon, it fell into the air that you two needed personal space for a moment.

Just time to settle back down.

Pretty healthy compared to others' relations if you're being honest.

"Okay then..." You mumbled, rolling over onto his bed and pulling your phone out. Opposing, you didn't want to be a bummer. You didn't want to sit around and be slumped all day. You didn't want people to see what they wanted to see between you and Niki.

Yet you stayed in the same position.

It wasn't till about 30 minutes later that Niki finally got off his game and entered the real reality around him, going downstairs to grab something to eat.


That was something you both equally enjoyed and couldn't resist whenever it was displayed on a shiny platter.

Despite the fact he microwaved them.

"You want some strawberries?"

You took your focus from your phone, turning your head to the doorway, displaying Niki with a bowl of strawberries.
"Sure." You said, getting up and walking over to him. You stopped in your tracks, "Wait, you didn't microwave them did you?"
you said before grabbing a couple.

He finished chewing the one he had in his mouth, "Hm, no. I could of, but I know you don't prefer them heated up. So, I just brought plain, fresh out of the fridge strawberries." He smiled, setting the bowl down on his desk and handing you one.

You returned the smile, sitting back down on the edge of the bed, criss-crossing your legs while Niki sat down next you, laying back against the bed."You know what we should go do sometime Y/n?"

You shrugged, "No clue."

He snickered, "Strawberry picking, duh. That'd be pretty fun wouldn't it?" He said taking another strawberry.

You nodded, raising your eyebrows in response while you took another bite, "Mhm."

"Yeah... What days is that one farm open?" He said grabbing his phone from where he had it placed. "Probably not Sundays."

"I think all week except Sunday like you said." You answered turning over to face him directly, leaning to see the screen of the phone. "See, yeah, all week, just not Sundays."

"So, wanna go then?" He said placing his phone down turning his attention towards you.

"Of course, it'd be fun. Did you expect me to say no or something?" You laughed, rolling over to face the ceiling of the room.

"Ehh, kinda. You haven't been in the mood for anything lately so, I was just assuming."

"Reasonable. But I'm okay. I'll go with you." You smiled looking over to him to not receive one back. He had a unsure look on his face, assuming because of you.


You huffed, "Yes, Niki. I promise I'm fine."

"Okay okay. I just want to make sure. I don't want to force you into anything," he said getting up the grab another strawberry. "I don't want you to call me an asshole. "

You smirked sitting up, "but you are an asshole."

"An asshole asshole. Not an asshole. I know I'm an asshole." He rolled his eyes, giving you an unreal look.

"Short ended, you don't want me to call you an asshole asshole?" You questioned, holding in a laugh behind your smile.

"Correct." He said flopping back down to check his phone.

"Gotcha. I'll note down for later then."

Time Skip because I'm a lazy bitch

"Hey, Niki. We're you one of those kids who thought when you ate a strawberry or watermelon for example, there seed would grow in you?" You asked, scrolling through tic tok , finding a video that made you ask that question.

"For a short minute, yeah. Especially watermelon. And sunflower seeds. I ate them specifically for that reason. So I could have a plant grow inside me." He snickered, taking out one of his airpods.

You laughed, "Dumbass."

"Hey now don't act like you didn't think that at a time." He said setting his phone down.

Surprisingly, it never did.

However, seeds came to mind every so often.

How anything would start.

A simple seed.

Is that how everything started?


It felt like that with people personally.
As if some planted a seed in between to people and it would grow until it died. It's death could of been cut short by a deviating disaster or cluster in the atmosphere or could of lived on forever.

Just like actual people.

They meet someone and it either lives on or dies.

Normally, unexpected, or sad.

One of the three.

It felt like to you its always been unexpected because every turn you made, someone was out the door heading for the main road as soon as you two just planted your seed.

You and Niki though.

It was untold.

Nobody could tell.

Not even them.

They just predicted things between you too.

Preferably the most wanted thing.

You wanted that seed in the ground that just nearly started to grow to be a healthy, living plant, fruit, or whatever would come to be about. You didn't want it to die. Not be stepped on, uncared for, etcetera.

You didn't want it to be terminated.

So, you excepted the invitation to continue that growth, a perfect decision.

And by the time you two even entered the endless fields of green with tiny specks of red seen, you could already tell what the seed was between you and Niki.

A strawberry.

Loved how this made no sense

the unexpected future || nishimura riki Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ