its offical

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"Alright I gotta go, my mom wants me to be home tomorrow and I don't want to get yelled at for being home at 4 am." He said, taking his car keys out of his pocket.

"Well what time is it? The last time I checked it was like- 11 something?" You reached for your phone, it saying 11:49. "Oh, well how slow do you drive?"

He laughed letting go of the car door handle, looking back at you. "Not that slow, but I might stop and get something to eat. Maybe Dunkin or something. Probably Dunkin."

You gasped, "Wait can you get me something and bring it back to me, I want a midnight snack too. And isn't the closest one like 4 minutes away?"

He shrugged, "You could come with me if you want? It's not far away like you said. But that's if you're allowed."

You wanted to go, but like Niki said, you didn't know if your parents would allow you out this late. You also didn't want to walk back up to the hotel and ask. You opened your phone and turned off your location. You looked back up at Niki, him waiting for a response, wondering what you were doing. You smiled, "They won't know."

"Wait, are you sure? I don't want you getting in trouble because of me- even though it'd be your fault, " he said, placing his hand on the car door handle.

You walked around to the passenger side, opening up the door. Before you got in you looked at Niki, who had a lost expression on his face,
"Y/n, wait, hold up. Seriously, what if you get in trouble? I mean you already turned off your location to sneak out."

You sighed, "Isn't this supposed to be what you're doing? The classic boyfriend always sneaks out to hangout with his girlfriend without his parents knowing."

"Exactly! That's the shit I'm supposed to do, not you!" He whispered.

"Eh, I really just want a donut and refresher. And you are the one who suggested that I come with you soooo,"

"Alright, shut up. Just get in the damn car." He huffed, opening the car door to get in.

"You really love me don't you?" You with a smile on your face.

"It's been hasn't even been an hour and you make me sick." He coughed. You looked at him, with eyebrows furrowed, "are you serious?"

"What? At least I didn't say I regret my decision of confessing to you-"

"Riki!" You yelled, hitting his arm. "Why are you such a prankster? You, I don't even know." Buckling up, you looked out the window, "You know it's almost Christmas?"

"Yeah? I mean it is November. November 29th. And my birthday, 20th birthday, jeez. And your 18th birthday which means someone's gonna be legallll."

"But that's not the point, it's almost Christmas! I honestly could care less if it were my birthday, personally though, I'm just ready for December. With all the music, presents, candy, and snow."

He kept his eyes on the road mostly, but every so often, he'd look at you stealing glances of you that had full joy in them. You caught him once, and only once, and said, "why do you keep looking at me?"

"I don't know if you know this but, your eyes really light up when you talk about something you really like. Like you did when I said I was going to Dunkin Donuts and you asked if you could go. It's, its pretty."

You smiled, and you couldn't stop yourself from doing so. "Aww you're so sweet." You said turning towards him.

"You sound like my mom stop. Sound like you or anyone else not my mom." He said with sarcasm.

"You sound like my mom stoooppp." You groaned.
You started laughing as he said, "ok now I do not sound like that."

You sat up straight and put your hands on your hips, "Ok now I do not sound like that." You said in a low voice.

He started laughing as he turned into the parking lot, "Y/n, I swear, " he parked the car, turning it off and both of you getting out.


"Good evening, what could I get you two?" A lady about your two's ages asked. You were about to speak until Niki responded. "Um she'd like a strawberry-coconut refresher, large and I'd like a frappuccino with extra carmel." He looked over to reassure that he was correct and you nodded in response. "And uh a half a dozen of strawberry sprinkled donuts and that'll be all."

You whispered, "How'd you know what I wanted?"

He smirked, while grabbing his wallet out of his pocket, whispering back, "you're my girlfriend aren't you?"

You furrowed you eyebrows looking back forward thinking to yourself, but it's only been an hour.

"Here ya go. Have a nice night!" She smiled.

"Thank you, you too." You made your way to a table to sit down at. Niki set the box and his drink down across from you. You sat down and opened the box up, revealing 6 strawberry sprinkled donuts. You grabbed one and took a bite, Niki doing the same.

You swallowed the last bite of your donut and asked, "what did you mean you're my girlfriend aren't you?"

He set his drink down and said, "because you're my girlfriend and I know your regular orders."

"That's weird. Why do you just know?" You said picking up your drink to take a sip.

"Like I said, you're my girlfriend. Which means its official, right?"


"Yeah so as your official boyfriend, I should know those things. Just like you're my official girlfriend. "

"Ok so we're official?"

"Yeah, official."


It's official guys

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