Some headcannons !

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DISCLAIMER: guys pls these are just my personal headcannons and in no way am i trying to say they are actually cannon. i know they're not but idk these are things that i believe abt the characters lolz don't kill me

characters included:
aether, lumine, paimon and albedo
(more coming soon ofc this is just a filler while i work on other chapters and think of other ideas).

(protagonist version)
- he absolutely loves it when people braid or play with his hair as it reminds him of his sister. on their travels lumine would always make sure his hair was perfect 24/7 so it's very comforting to him.
(bonus points if they put flowers in it too)

(abyss version)
- he will try his hardest to make sure his sister is never too badly injured after a fight, if she is then he will try and help from the sidelines in any way possible.

(protagonist version)
- lumine likes being around kazuha due to the visual similarities between him and aether. on her journey to inazuma she would often sit on deck with kazuha in front of her while she braided his hair. at first, kazuha didn't understand why but after explaining he encouraged it so she could be happy or feel close to her brother again.

(abyss version)
- at almost every point lumine watches over aether to make sure he's safe. from the moment he wakes up until the second he's asleep lumine is probably hiding in the shadows when she has free time. she longs to be with her brother again but being on opposing sides gets in the way of that.

- due to almost drowning, paimon is scared of water. even though she can float (or cling on to mc if she prefers), paimon will still go to extreme lengths to avoid any kind of contact with water.

- because albedo likes to spend a lot of his time in dragonspine, his facial features have taken on a very rosy look. even if he's not technically human, he still has very human characteristics; therefore he often returns to mondstadt with a red nose, cheeks and ears.

sorry if this is short lol it's just filler for now like i said before. but i can tell you some chapters i'm working on rn.

>kujou sara x shrine maiden reader (fem) ✅
>paimon x mc reader (gn) PLATONIC
>diluc x fatui reader (fem) ✅

that's all for now ! see you soon hopefully :)

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