[A/N]: sorry about this

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this book is currently undergoing a lot of changes, and i'm working on a few chapters (take a shot every time i say that)

the first noticeable change is that i'm now marking authors notes like this with "[A/N]:" so that the people who don't care about them and just want to read the story can skip ahead. unexpected authors notes that you don't care about are annoying, i get it. it's pretty easy to confuse them with chapters, especially with what i was doing with this book, so i'm preventing further confusion that was most likely unwanted.

another change i'll be making is more of the text/ instagram style chapters, and the "i heart you, you heart me" venti chapter was a form of trial run for that. i really enjoyed it which is why it got two parts. based on how much i enjoyed writing that there will definitely be more. they're quicker and easier but are still sufficient until i can get an actual chapter out (at least in my opinion).

i'll also be changing the cover for all of my works very soon, as the ones i currently have aren't my favourites. i'd also like to just have ateez covers for my books since i have a hongjoong pfp right now, but i'll also probably use other groups too since i can never stick to a pfp lmao

also, i'll be changing the way the readers name is specified from "(name)" to "y/n" in future stories. yes, i hate "y/n", but it's far quicker and easier to type and i'm a very lazy guy LMAO

while it can be mostly blamed on my short attention span and quickly dying sparks of motivation, it also can't be denied that a few reasons for the lack of updates or quality of updates is partially due to no requests and me losing interest in genshin. i barely play genshin these days, but i still enjoy the thought of it and what it once was. i'll save all the cheesy sappy stuff, but it was genuinely an escape for me and i made so many amazing friends. thank you to everyone i met along my journey :)
i also apologise for never specifying how to request ideas. if you'd like to request something, either comment it on this, "please read" or privately message me. i'll get round to them as soon as i can.

while i'm here, i'd like to take the time to thank everyone for 800+ reads ! that's .. crazy. especially considering my writing skills are lacklustre at best, so thank you very much for coming on part of my writing journey !!
i might make a book to track my current writing ideas, weather it be for this or other projects, so keep an eye out if you want to stay updated !!

that's all for now, bye bye !!
- ro :)

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