[A/N]: help pls

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okay so uh ,,, i've basically run out of ideas.
i've got 1 chapter and some scenarios rn that are nearly finished but i'm facing writers block.
at least in terms of this book.

i have plenty of ideas for other books that aren't genshin related, and because i don't want a character to seem ooc i'm probably just gonna stick w characters from before 3.0, because that's when my major disinterest for the game began.
the situation with elliot hasn't exactly made me enthusiastic to play again either, even though i don't have tighnari nor do i play with english voices. for this reason i doubt i'll do any chapters for tighnari any time soon (at least not until the eng va is fully changed).

i'm tired of putting out [A/N]'s and apologising for the lack of content, and i'm sure you're tired of seeing that too, so i'll get these two chapters out as soon as i can and then it'll probably go silent for a while from me. i have a few important exams going on in school right now, and i'm not sure how much free time i'll have in the next few weeks.

i think i mentioned in a previous [A/N] that i was thinking of making a book to keep people updated on my current progress of my works ? i'll definitely do that, because it would also keep me motivated to update more. any form of interaction keeps me motivated, and seeing how many reads this book has gotten (even though i'm the worst w updates) has also made me want to keep going.

thank you for that by the way !! i didn't expect to have nearly 1k reads when i opened wattpad lmao
i might make a 1k special soon depending on how much work i have to get through. if not soon, i'll have it done eventually. i can promise you that.

i'll try and get back into genshin to stay updated with the characters, but i can't promise anything yet as my personal life is quite hectic right now.

until next time,
goodbye !!
- ro :]

i just posted the progress book ! i have some cool ideas i wanna put in there and get feedback on, so go check it out !

update 2;;
after i finish this next chapter, i'll probably put this book on a temporary hiatus until i can at least come up with better ideas and get back into genshin. i'll still work on other projects though, i just need to find my love for genshin again.
once again, i'm sorry for any inconvenience.

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