SCENARIOS: When it rains.

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hello ! here's the first round of scenarios !
characters included:
- bennett
- venti
- xiao
- diluc

you had been on an adventure with bennett - or you were meant to be.
almost as soon as you set off the weather changed dramatically, from the casual warm, sunny weather to rain that gradually grew heavier as the seconds passed.

being the only other member of bennett's adventure team had its ups and downs, as you were also quite unlucky yourself, so it resulted in a lot of interesting tales from your adventures.

"aw shoot, this weather's only getting worse ... i was really looking forward to this adventure ..."

"aw it's okay ! but i definitely suggest taking shelter somewhere so you don't get struck by lightning again."
you smiled at bennett, grabbing his hand and taking him away from the open space you were currently in purely for preventative reasons.
you had known bennett for a very long time, practically growing up with him, and despite all of his bad luck you stuck around. all he needed was a good friend, which is what you were to him.

you both ran off to find some nearby shelter, giggling as you ran. there was never a moment in which the pair of you were unhappy around each other.

you had planned to meet venti at windrise for a picnic, but your plans had been put on hold after you looked outside to see it pouring down. you sighed silently to yourself, wishing that things would just go your way for once.

you really liked venti, but now your unofficial official date had been ruined by nature itself.

was this a sign ?

was it hopeless ?

quickly, you snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a loud thump from outside your house.
what was that ...?

grabbing the nearest object that could double as a weapon, you cautiously made your way to the front door completely ready to hit anything that may pose a threat to you, only to discover a pile of green on the floor.

venti ...

"hiya ! our outdoor plans were ruined, but i don't see anything stopping us from changing them to indoor !"
you felt your face warm up a little.

he was just too precious ...

the rain poured down heavily, seemingly reflecting what had just happened.

xiao had just left.
he left you alone to deal with it all.

you couldn't understand why he did it, was he heartless ? these adeptus duties were really starting to weigh down on you, and now here you are being abandoned by your closest 'friend'.

having enough of your tears mixing with the rain, you got up and left, knowing xiao would still be watching over you.

it was your turn to leave him now, and you weren't sure if you would come back. if xiao cared about you, he'd either try to stop you or come after you. if he did neither of those, well ... you'd know where you stood with him.

to your surprise, as soon as you got up you could feel him closer to you. to be honest, you didn't have much faith that he'd chase after you, let alone prevent you from leaving.

"where are you going ?"
he asked quickly, like if he couldn't get his words out quick enough you'd be gone forever. obviously, that wasn't the case .. forever was a long time.

WAIT, DON'T GO ! ||༄ Genshin x Reader Oneshots ;)Where stories live. Discover now