🌤 A Promise to the Going Merry 🌤

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The condition was that I'm a boat now. Ugh, sometimes I really hate the randomness of being reincarnated. What can you even do as a boat other than float around and hope you don't go down like the titanic?

"Y/N? Y/N?" Merry called out, I snapped back into attention. "You spaced out for a second there." She examined me for a second. "Hmm. Are you still in the middle of production? Is that why you  are still a Klabautermann?"

"A Klabear-what?" I asked with a confused face. She chuckled.

"A Klabautermann. It's what people call us ship spirits. But I'm in my form, you are still without one." She pointed out.

I looked down, noticing the faint white glowing off of me. I blinked in surprise as I saw the unfamiliar features on my body. I looked exactly like one of those creepy little ghost figures that was fixing up Merry on Skypiea!

"Wait--so I don't hwave a bwody?" I asked, still in my childish voice which I will never get used to.

"Well, not yet. They must be still building you, since you're here." Merry smiled as she knelt down to me since I was basically a kid. "Make sure you take good care of your passengers or crew, okay?"

Sure, if they're not assholes. Then I might just flip over on 'accident'.

"I will!" I reassured her. "Did you have gwood passwengers, Merry?" I asked her. I already knew she did, but I do kinda want to hear what she thought about them. She smiled softly.

"I sure did. The best. They called themselves the Straw Hats." She told me. "They may have been reckless, inexperienced, and most weren't the smartest, but they were funny, caring, and determined. Those kind of people are almost impossible to find. So I'm glad was lucky enough to have them." She smiled thoughtfully as she thought about them.

"Whoa... you're crew sounds cool, Merry!" I exclaimed with a smile.

"Heh, yeah, they were." She turned to me, putting a hand on my head. "Promise me something, okay, Y/N? Promise me that you'll take good care passengers. And if my crew happens to be one of them, look out for them okay? You can do that for me, right Y/N?"

Phew. I was worried that I'd have to sell my soul to the devil or something. "Okay. I promise."

"Thank you." She looked at me and gasped lightly.

"What?" She smiled at me.

"Looks like you've been fully built, you've got your glow." She told me with a smile. I was already glowing. I looked down at myself again to see the new color of orange radiating off of me. "Now go have fun, Thousand Sunny."

☀Sunshine☀(One Piece x Thousand Sunny!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now