👮‍♂️ Good Cop, Bad Cop, If You're Lying, Just Stop. 👮‍♂️

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"Greetings, zombies. My name is Sunny, and these are my friends that just beat you up. We have some questions for you."

The zombies nodded at the child that sat on Luffy's shoulders, Luffy looking serious as fck while Sunny was smiling gently.

"Don't worry, they're all fair questions! You just have to give us an answer we like and my friends won't send you 6 feet under!" The child grinned brightly.

"How is that fair?!"


"Don't yell at Sunny!" Luffy scolded as he had just punched the zombies.


"That was a perfect example of what not to do! Okay! First question, what were you guys doing here?" Sunny asked, a smile still on their face. Sunny was the good cop while Luffy was the bad cop. They'll trade places next time.

"We're zombies, so we were kinda buried..."

"And we were rotting."

"Yeah. Me too.

"Same here."

Luffy frowned as he looked down a little so that his eyes were hidden behind the shadow. He looked super scary right now.

"Are you trying to be funny?"

"No, no! Not at all! We're sorry! Honest!" The zombies looked like they were about to piss their pants.

"That right?"

"Yes sir!"

"Hmph. Sunny, you can ask the next question."

"Thanks, Luffy!" The child grinned brightly when Luffy was still looking like he was about to kill somebody. "Did you guys see a guy with a long nose, a woman with orange hair, and a reindeer that everybody mistakes for a tanuki for some reason?" Sunny asked, an adorable tilt of their head being added.

"Huh? Uh, y-yeah... Yes, yes, and yes."

"Oh, yay!"

"Maybe I saw, maybe I didn't..."


"But our lips are sealed! We aren't allowed to share information like that with outsiders!"

"It's the rule!" The zombies exclaimed, Sunny bit their inner cheek in displeasure.

"Really? I didn't like that answer. I'm gonna give one more chance to give me a better answer, or else I'll have to let Luffy beat you guys up." Sunny told them, an apologetic look on their face as Luffy cracked his knuckles.

Sweat dripped down from the zombies faces.

"They passed through here."

"That's better! Haha~!"

The straw hat crew sweatdropped at the child's happy demeanor while the zombies were scared for their lives.

☀Sunshine☀(One Piece x Thousand Sunny!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now