Chapter four: Seduction

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Molly's perspective:

We were walking through the woods holding hands. We entered the campfire area where the whole gang was sitting. There was a fire burning slowly in the middle. The noise our footsteps made when we stepped on a dried leaf faded away as we became closer to them. Steve, Jamie and Gia were sitting around the fire on portable chairs. As usual. It was nice to see everybody again. It was nice to be back. It was nice to be out. That was the meeting that we used to do almost every Friday after school and it was just pure joy and safety.

-And here comes my favorite couple.

Said Jamie with a mocking tone while pointing at us as we slowly began to be visible under the orange light of the fire. He was acting as a servant of the king of England in the 16's. It was our movie entrance moment.

-Seriously? No better couple in your mind?

Gia responded with the most insulting, drunk voice possible. Everybody was beered up enough to have the most unnecessary and "funny for no reason" type of conversation.

-Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Me and your mom!

Jamie shouted and started laughing at his own joke. We all knew he had a thing for her mom. Everytime he sees her, he would flirt unconsciously. He almost fell off from his chair which was clearly not stable. Gia didn't look happy with the answer. She rolled her eyes at him and took a sip from her beer.

We laughed and Eddie took the folded chair from the ground and opened it up. He made sure it wasn't unsteady by shaking it a couple times and hold out his hand to me then said;

-After you princess.

I took his hand and stepped in, to sit on the chair but the second I leaned forward he jumped on before me and sat down. He started laughing. I rolled my eyes and tilted my head to emphasize "what a jerk" but he gave me that smirk and giggled. I crossed my arms and looked around but there wasn't any other chair left. I stood there waiting for him to give me his seat. But instead, he spread his legs and slid down a little till the edge of the chair and patted his legs. He was staring at me.

-You can sit on my lap.

He said with his flirty voice. I gave him an angry look but honestly, I was enjoying myself. 

-Well, you left me with no choice.

I sat sideways on his lap and he twirled his arms around my waist. As the night went on, we all drank our beers and chatted about the most unnecessary topics. It was at that time of the night, it was time to play kiss marry kill. The type of game middle schoolers would play but highschoolers would enjoy. Because we made a version for ourselves. If any of the names given to the player is present there, you have to kiss, makeout, or punish them. As punishment, you would generally drink

-Okay okay it's my turn.

Steve said with excitement. Then he turned to Jamie with the devilish look on his face.

-Gia, Eddie, and Gia's mom.

We all started laughing. Jamie turned all red but he was having fun.

-Tough one. Um, Make out with Mrs.Steele, kiss Gia, and kill Eddie.

Eddie played dead after hearing his answer. He held his heart and fake-cried looking at Jamie's eyes.

-Sorry mate.

Then he leaned on to Gia and gave her a little kiss. They were friends, but the chemistry was there. I knew Gia had a crush on him since sophomore year but they never admitted anything to each other. They were just so flirty with each other in a friendly way. It was confusing. 

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