Chapter five: School

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Molly's perspective:

-Shit shit shit SHIT!

I turned off the alarm as quickly as possible and got out of bed in one swoop. İt was 8.50 am. Which means we have only 10 minutes to be in class. I started freaking out and pulled the blanket off him. He curled immediately and squeezed his eyes with the irritation of the sun hitting him.

-What the fuck Molly!

He said with his raspy morning voice. Normally I would find that quite attractive but I was in a rush and he should be as well.

-Get up it's 8.50.


-We didn't hear the first 6 alarms apparently!

He started whining and pulled the blanket back on himself. I took my shirt off and got dressed at a light speed. Didn't even bother brushing my hair and started searching for the car keys all over the place.

-Relax babe we can be a couple minutes late...

-No, No we can't. We are going to be expelled if we continue like this!

I looked literally everywhere but couldn't find the keys. I reached to the last drawer and pulled it. It was filled with weed packs, rolling papers, filters... If we could just stay sober for one fucking day we wouldn't be sleeping for ten hours. I knew it was a problem at this point. It was affecting our lives. Especially mine. But yesterday was my 13th day being away from drugs. Only weed. I know 13 days is not long, and the first two days were like hell. But I was so sick of thinking about our fight and what Eddie said every time I do drugs. So even though I wasn't in the best place, I quit. With him. For him. It wasn't easy, It wasn't what I wanted, but I tried. Eddie poured all of his stash into the toilet. And I know this was not easy for him either. He was using too, casually but using, and selling. Pills were his best money-makers. But he switched to weed with me.

I grabbed one of the bags and threw it on his head.


He tried to open his eyes.

-Wake up and tell me where the damn keys are!

He was speeding as hard as he could. He was barely awake and still rubbing his eyes while driving. His hair was flying back with the wind. 8.58. I was stressing way too much compared to him. He was blasting Metallica and vibing, tapping his finger on the wheel with the rhythm. I gave him a bad look and he turned to me. Put his left hand on my leg and rubbed it.

-Relax, we're almost there.

Seeing him that comfortable made me get rid of my stress a little. He was enjoying his time no matter what and that was adorable to me. I smiled and started shaking my head to the music. I took my arm out the window and felt the wind.

-Yeah! That's what I'm talking about. 

Luckily we made it to class just in time. At least I did. And I hope he didn't wander around in the halls and just went straight to his class. I spotted Steve sleeping at the very far left seat of the classroom and threw my bag to the desk next to him.

-Watch out!

I shouted and when my bag hit the desk, he jumped back with horror and looked around desperately in shock. I sat next to him laughing.

-Jesus Molly!

He said while rubbing his eyes. I saw the pure confusion in his face. He brushed his fingers through his hair to fix it and leaned back on his chair. Then I realized he was wearing the exact same outfit that he was wearing yesterday. Same white shirt with a logo I've never seen before and same blue, baggy jeans.

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