Chapter One: The Border

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A cold water bottle was placed down on the beside table that belonged to Rainbows father. "Drink up, you need to stay hydrated father"

Rainbow removed the rag that sat on her father's forehead attempting to cool him down from his awful fever. Lunar walked into the room with another rag that had been cooled as Rainbow took the rag and switched it for the used one.

She placed the rag on the same position the latter one had been on before grabbing the water bottle. "Father I need you to work with me here. Drink up" he tilted his head back and drank until there was barely any water left.

Rainbow grabbed everything used, discarded or needed refilling and left.

Draco and Lunar were situated on the couch and looked distressed due to their father's state, worsening every second. "Draco" his attention turned to Rainbow as she paced the room in thought.

"I need you to go to the market and get some food for us" she decided as he looked back at her with his eyebrows furrowed "Oh and no stealing. We've got enough money today" she emphasized.

A few seconds later and the boy left, leaving the two girls to stay and watch over their sick father.

Ever since their mother had died, life had changed for the worse. They lost their house, their dads job and even money. They had resorted to a small house, unnoticeable due to the fact it was located and hidden in the woods but still manageable with only one floor.

About two weeks ago, their father had started to get really sick. Coughing nonstop and even at times couldn't breathe. He had a nasty fever and the siblings tried everything to help him get better. They had jobs, shifts at night on who had to watch their father and sacrificed everything for him to get better.

Six days after their father had gotten sick, they were helpless. They didn't have any food left or money and their fathers state had worsened even quicker each second. They sent Lunar to go and see what she could get with what they had and in the end expected her to come back with nothing at all.

In the end, Lunar didn't come back until the next morning. Rainbow cried all night, worried for her little sister as Draco did his best at comforting her even though he was scared too. He took care of their father that night to help Rainbow calm down but she was still super shaken up and there wasn't much her could do for their father when they didn't have any food or water left.

Not only were they shocked when she came home a day late but they were absolutely baffled when they saw the buffet she brought home. From chicken to greens and cinnamon rolls to cilantro, they were stocked for the next month.

She told them that when she went into town, she had looked around but couldn't find anything she could purchase with the little money they had. So she improvised.

She ended up stealing everything she had brought home and had a run in with the police. She ended up hiding in an abandoned apartment complex and used a laundry basket to haul all that food home. It was a bit unsanitary but at that point they were too hungry to care.

Lunar was surprised to find that Rainbow didn't scold her or make her bring back the food but actually devised a plan. Whenever and only when they dont have enough money for food and really hit a dead end, that's when they go into town and steal food. But with a mandatory week wait as to not get caught of course. Lunar and Draco were shocked at this plan but eventually decided it was due to the hunger.

What the two siblings didnt know was that Lunar wasn't telling them the full truth. In fact, she was hiding something she didnt even know why she was hiding.

Just like how she was hiding she had nightmares every night and it always ended with a man, or how she was hiding it was her who ate that sandwich made for dad. But this was more than just childish lies or secrets.

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