Part 5: Descendant to the Crown

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It was a late afternoon when you and the lupin gang searched around the Liverpudlian Library together. It was a vast library filled with lots of books and dvd's, articles, and old forbidden books as well.



Coming across the historical section with Lupin, he looks around and finds a small novel on the Crown of Destiny. He opens it up and reads it at a library table with the rest of the group.

Lupin: Just as I recalled, *he read* it was made in the medieval times, however they call it a myth in this book. People believed that the crown was made for power to rule against everyone else. One crown to rule all that lived below the king or queen. One crown that can only be worn by the wisest, not the fooled persons.

Jigen: One crown to rule them all huh? Sounds like something out of a Tolkien novel.

Lupin: A greater descendant of the crown was forged in fire long ago to represent as a symbol of power.  Though, it also represents  a wise and alluring person out of all those who fail to recognize.

Jigen: So it's not Fujiko *he chuckled*

Lupin: What do you mean it's clearly Fujiko

Fujiko: I'm flattered Lupin, but what he means is that it's someone who isn't the best looking but actually is anyways.

Lupin: Oh, so it's Y/N.

Jigen: HEY! What the f—!

Library Person: Shhhhh!

Jigen whispered as he hissed at Lupin: What the hell was that for? She's rightfully beautiful you ignorant Monkey.

Lupin snickered: I'm just messing with you Ji-Ji.

Goeman: The crown also is supposed to reunite friends and the people below it who see it as a positive sign.

Fujiko: But what about that key we were talking about?

Lupin flips through the book: The Burial of the Crown.  Those of the dead wore red as the blood painted the ground after battle on its very soil.  Red of the blood upon the King's hands of the thousands that have died.  A key to unlock a crown is found in the heart of the one who seeks it.

Jigen: That's all it says?

Lupin: Yep, I'm not very good at riddles though.

Goeman: It's saying that the one who possesses the box has a big heart despite the darkness that follows them. 

Fujiko: So all those people had a dark past and wore the crown in honor.

Lupin: Which Clarisse was the one to wear the crown.

Jigen: I faintly remember that, it was definitely silver.  

Y/N: So what happens if someone who is unworthy of the crown tries to wear it?

Lupin: Well they aren't seen as trusting, there seen as a tyrant if ya know what I mean.

Goeman: A ruthless leader, like the Scorpion gang would want it thus making them the foolish ones and seek for dictatorial control.  They want to take over certain small newly formed countries with barely any government control.

Lupin: How'd you find that out?

Goeman: We were left a note.

Goeman puts down a small handwritten note that he found in the library, it contained the watermark of the Scorpion upon it.

Goeman: Someone was suppose to give this note to another follower of theirs.  They dropped it.

Lupin read the note: To my dearest follower, hunt for  the silver crown that belongs to me, in return you shall receive the reward of a lifetime.  Your freedom.  Signed, the Scorpion...

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