Part 10: Torture Chamber

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Warning: Blood,Gore, Torture all in title.




A slash of the whip cracked against his bare back bleeding.  He strained groaned in pain  The whip cracked again from behind, he grit his teeth so hard that his old tooth throb began to add to the suffering.  The pain was so bad that tears flowed down his cheeks, but he was also filled with anger.  One last slash of the whip as the gunman gasped and panted.


Scorpion Leader: Why you bring that woman along with you? Hm? Isn't it true you are a misogynist aren't you Daisuke?

Jigen: Yes.  But she's different, she's not like Fujiko.

Scorpion Leader: Your lover is it?

Jigen didn't answer.  Then he chuckled turning his face looking back to the leader.

Jigen: No. She's my wife actually.

Scorpion Leader: Wife?  Impossible, you really think I believe that?

Jigen fondled with his hand cuffs, he slips his gold ring off his finger and showed it to the Scorpion Leader.

Jigen: Believe me now?

Scorpion Leader: Well this is quite a surprise.  Mr. and Ms. Jigen, together even when you call yourself a woman hater.  Guess not all women you hate then.

Jigen: Those who are distrustful to me yes.  

Scorpion Leader: Well sorry to tell you, you won't be seeing her anymore once I've beat you to death.  Jigen growled.

Jigen: Try me.

He slashed the whip again across the marksman's back making it bleed once again.  He grit his teeth and whimpered.  The Scorpion Leader tossed the whip aside and went to a table and to a machinery board.  It lifted up Jigen on a table from below him, then straps cuffed him in, ankles and wrists.  He couldn't move.

Jigen: The hell is this?!

Scorpion Leader chuckled sinisterly: Nothing good.

He click on a button and  a bunch of mini hands slither out of the sides.  They tear off Jigen's pants and belt starting to tickle him all over.  The gunman roared with laughter unable to move however, he yelled and laughed, his abs were hurting at the same time.  


Scorpion Leader: I won't do that for thirty minutes unfortunately hehe

After thirty minutes pass the hands retract from tickling.  Jigen gasped and sweat in pure exhaustion, his stomach was sore, and his weakness grew.  His whole body went limp, but the Leader wasn't done with him yet.  Clicking on the button the cuffs unstrapped him and Jigen rolled off the table and slams on the ground lifeless.  He struggles to get up groaning.  

Scorpion Leader: GET UP! SIT UP YOU!

The gun man sits up and another painful slash of the whip cracked against his back.  Jigen fell over on his face motionless moaning deeply in pain.

Jigen: Aughhh~....

His back bled out constantly all red and bruised.  It almost seemed like it was to never end, this guy had no care at all for Jigen.

Scorpion Leader: NO gun! *he slashes* NO wife with you! *slashes again* NO Lupin! 

The whip cracked again slicing Jigen's boxers apart.  The naked gunman fell over groaning on his side and stomach.  Another slash of the whip scarred his very back.  The leader laughed and laughed seeing him struggle.  

Lupin the Third Part 2- Jigen's SeedWhere stories live. Discover now