Part 7: Just In Time

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Warnings: Y/N is in severe Pain and  is giving birth in this chapter.




Jigen found himself in front of Fujiko, he growled.


Jigen: Fine take it, you won't be worthy of wearing it anyways.

Fujiko: I just wanna sell it for money what do ya expect?

Jigen: Came out here just to run into you *he hands the crown to Fujiko*  So it was YOU with the Scorpion huh?  Gonna turn me into them so they can beat my ass?

Fujiko: Sometimes things are kept secret for a reason Jigen.

Jigen: You know there's a sensor in that crown right?

Fujiko: Huh? What are you talking about.

She looks at the inside of the crown wiping off the rain, and sees a small red glowing dot.  

Jigen: You put that on it can sense your worthy or not, and of blood.  So even if you do try to give it to the leader of the Scorpion there just gonna get there head blown off.  Then you'll be in real trouble.

Fujiko:  That's ridiculous I refuse to believe your bullshit.

Jigen: Makes sense why we both hate eachother so much.

Jigen takes the gun out of the box and puts it back in its holster.  He climbs out of the hole he had dug, but Fujiko still pointed her gun at him.  He lights a cigarette as the rain slowed down a little.

Fujiko: Aren't you gonna fight back for it?

Jigen: Fuck that.  You can have it since you made it all this way, bring it to the Scorpion so they can give you your "freedom".

Jigen walks away through the graveyard with the cigarette hanging from his lips and his hands in his pocket.

Fujiko looks at the crown and back to Jigen who disappeared in the fog and rain that pattered upon the soil of the blood of the fallen Redcoats.  She looks back to the blinking red light and places her fingers upon it pinching it and pulling off the sensor.




You were in a great amount of pain back at the house, Jigen was on his way back but he didn't know how you were doing.  Lying back upon the recliner you groaned in pain feeling the baby within you move around.  There was more contractions.

Y/N: AUGHH~It's really really bad now! *you whined*

Goeman: Just breathe, your very close to needing to give birth, I'd take you to the hospital but there is no time and no car unfortunately.


Goeman gasps not knowing what to do, usually tranquil he panicked, Jigen was not there yet.  Then quickly he goes and fetches a towel from the bathroom placing it under you.

Goeman: Forgive me for this but in your emergency state, I must remove your clothes.

He unsheathes his Zantesuken and slices off  all your clothes from your body, relieving the constriction that your clothes had made you feel. 

    Goeman puts his sword discreetly back into its casing with his eyes closed.  He then places another large towel over your chest.

Goeman: Remember to breathe, I can sense Jigen is almost here to assist you with the child.

Outside as the rain fell a screech of tires was heard from outside.  Jigen gets out of the car and goes back into the house opening the door.  He places his black coat on the rack by the door, and tips his hat up.

Goeman: Jigen! She's needs your assistance, the child is coming!

Jigen: WHAT!?

Your gunman husband runs over, his hat falls off his head an on the ground.  He comes to your side seeing you struggle in pain.  Jigen takes your hand into his own, your grasp it tightly gritting your teeth in unbearable pain.

Y/N: Jigen-! *you were crying*

Jigen: I'm here, I'm here it's okay, I'm here now doll.

Y/N: I don't think I can do it~!

Jigen: Yes you can, your a strong woman, come on I'll help you

He gets in front of you as you were laid back on the recliner, Jigen stood in front of your parted legs beneath the towel.  He rolled his sleeves up and held your knees with both of his hands.

Jigen: Take a deep breath, I need you to push okay?  I know it's gonna hurt but you gotta trust me. *he puts a small towel in your teeth to bite on*

You nod as he then counted down from three.  You then pushed gripping the sides of the recliner, the contractions were horrible.  You screamed in pain biting down on the small towel.  Relaxing for a moment the next contraction came and you pushed again screaming in pain once again sweating.

Jigen: Come on come on there you go, you got it darling keep doing just that. You're doing great.

You push again as the next big contraction came, you started crying, you felt like you weren't gonna make it.  

Y/N crying: AUGHHHHHH! I CAN'T~!

Jigen: Yes you can! You're almost there come on!

You then push one more time gritting your teeth.  Then suddenly...

A baby cried.

You gasp with your eyes open as the pain was gone.  Jigen's eyes widened as he held the baby boy in his arms, he brings it to your chest.  The child clung to your chest, and you covered your mouth feeling now tears of joy.

Jigen laughed with delight: AHAHAH! It's a boy! 

The baby cooed in your arms, the child squints a tiny bit showing its newly formed eyes.  They were the same as Jigen's...

Y/N: Ohh Ji-Ji~he's so adorable...

Jigen: Daisuke Jr...

Wiping off the child you then return into some normal clothes and wrap the baby in a towel.  Once you were back into normal, clothing and was all cleaned up.  You held Baby Daisuke Jr in your arms close to you.  Jigen looks behind him seeing Goeman.

The samurai smiled in the background with his eyes closed and his arms crossed with his Zantesuken. 

Jigen: Thank you.

Goeman: No need, it was simply my job.  Congratulations you two...

Jigen: You were the one that watched over her and made sure she was feeling okay when I was out on a pointless mission.

Goeman: Pointless?

Jigen: Yeah...Fujiko snagged the crown from me.  But I don't care about that now.

Jigen drew his attention back to the baby, he was curious, you then handed him the child as he took him into his arms.

  Jigen Jr cooed once again and giggled, it sounded like your husbands laugh. 

The gunman smiled warmly as kissed the baby's forehead.







End Scene

Lupin the Third Part 2- Jigen's SeedWhere stories live. Discover now