chapter 2/ its only the beggining...

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I walked into school and met up with my main friend, Lexie.
We talked about random stuff and basically complained how it's only Tuesday until the first bell rang.
I walked with her to her first class then walked to my own.

~~aldneoqmvk no one really cares about school~~

Finally the last bell rang and I met up with Lexie and we walked down stairs together.
We walked from school to the local Starbucks which isn't a far walk if you take our secret shortcut.
I walk in and who do I see?
Jasmine and her snobby ass friends, aka my worst nightmare.

Throughout the end of elementary and most of middle school Jasmine harassed me and made my life a living hell, but she moved at the end of seventh grade.

And now she's back.

"oh look who's here! it's my best friend!! Brooke come here!"

"just ignore her, we'll go to starbucks some other time" Lexie said while trying to pull me away.

"No" I said tugging away from her grip.
"I'm sick of letting her win."

So we decided to ignore her and carry on with our Starbies date.
We ordered and I could just feel her eyes on me the whole time.
We decided not to stay though, so after getting our coffee we walked to the local playground and sat on one of the structures.

There was a silence between me and Lexie, I wouldn't start a conversation because I was to occupied by my thoughts. Thoughts of the constant torture from my childhood.

"You'll be okay Brookie." Lexie said noticing my thinking.
"Not many people like her anymore anyways, you have more friends now than she does."

Lex was right. About two weeks before Jasmine moved, something terrible happened.
Well, for her anyways.

Jasmine's relationship with her boyfriend, Dustin, had been going on for three months now. The more it went on, the more she ignored her friends, and the more fake she became to impress him.

One day we were doing class presentations on the smart boards and it was Jasmine's turn.
She puts up what she thought was her project, but instead was a diary type thing where Jasmine said some pretty nasty things about almost everyone in the school.

And that's how Jasmine O'Connor went from 100 to 0 real fast.
In other words, she went from having everyone love her, to everyone hate her, well except the few girls who would do anything to be noticed.
*end of flashback*

second chapter is donee
again this is my first fanfic so if it's really bad I understand haha
but leave some tips in the comments?
it would be helpful(:

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