chapter 3/ two doors down

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I woke up to my dog licking my face.
"CC not now" I groaned, still half asleep. CC is my little italian greyhound that I may or may not have named after the drummer for Black Veil Brides....
I rolled over and unplugged my iPhone from the charger.
It was 9:00am on a Saturday.
I was glad it was the weekend but at the same time that meant there was only two days left until Jasmine starts going to school with me again.....

"Brook Mom made us pancakes!" Paige yelled on the other side of my door, clearly excited.

As I walked downstairs to get my pancakes, I noticed a big UHaul truck two houses down.

"Did someone finally buy that house?" I asked no one perticular.

"Well duh if there's a UHaul obviously someone's moving in, they don't just park in front of random houses."
It was only 9am and Paige was already starting with her wise-ass comments.
I just ignored her and went to claim my seat at the breakfast nook. (lol @ the word nook)
We finished our pancakes and I decided to get dressed and try to investigate who's moving in.

I took a quick shower, threw on some ripped light denim skinny jeans, my galaxy vans and a black almost cropped hollister hoodie.
I wrapped my hair into a messy bun and put on some mascara.

"I'm going pennyboarding, be back soon." I hollered to my Mom before leaving.

Grabbing the love of my life, my pink blue and green fade design penny board that I bought with my money a few months ago, I went to go snoop around.
(the penny is the same as the one lukeisnotsexy has btw)

I did a quick skate around the neighborhood circle then slowed down once I was near the newly bought house.
There was a UHaul man walking out of the house, followed by a tall, about 20 year old guy with straight blonde hair, wearing an aeropostale tee.
"haha reminds me of BryanStars"
I said knowing that it obviously wasn't him.

I heard in the oh-so familiar voice which caused me to whip my head back to get a look, followed by me eating shit off my pennyboard and the board flying into their yard.

I think I blacked out for a solid 2 seconds.

"hey, are you okay?"
said a voice from behind me.
I stood up, brushed myself off and turned around to see the Johnnie Guilbert standing in front of me.

"looked like a hard fall, and I believe this belongs to you" he said while offering me a hand up and holding my board.

"kind of, but I'm okay though, and thanks haha." I replied.

Bryan came jogging over.
"Hey are you okay? That looked like it hurt. Are you one of the neighbors?"

"Eh, just a scrape.. and yeah I live two houses over, in that blueish greyish colored one there."

"oh cool, we should penny together sometime" Johnnie said handing mine back to me.

"yeah, that would be cool, I'm Brook by the way."

"I'm Bryan and this is my roommate, Johnnie."

"yeah I may or may not know who you guys are....." I said kind of regretting it right after.

"ooh you a fan??" they both asked.

"well yeah just a little." I said, most likely blushing.

"that's so cool." said Bryan.

"well you guys are cool! anyways, I got to go, and you guys probly need to get back to unpacking."

"okay see you around Brook"
said Bryan
I skated home, blushing the whole way.
Two of the many people that I sit at home fangirling over and writing fanfics about just moved two houses down....

hello ducklings
third chapter and Johnnie is finally having appearances!
lol and don't worry the Jasmine drama stuffids will be back as well.
again please leave feedback it would really help (: <3

and now I just sit in silence ☠ {johnnie guilbert fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now