chapter 8/ he's the tear in my heart

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We felt like 6 year olds but it was so fun, me and Johnnie decided to make homemade cookies and build a fort in my living room made of chairs & blankets and a pole in the middle to hold up the top blanket.

I pulled the cookies out of the oven and handed Johnnie a tack so he could save the falling blanket.

"okay, its time to add the matress"

Johnnie shoved the futon matress out of the guest room, down the stairs and into our fort while i got some pillows and small blankets to add comfort.

We finished our fort and brought in the cookies to snack on, leaving a plate of them on the counter for Paige when she gets home.

"this has been really fun"

"yes I agree"

"so what now?" Johnnie asked, grabbing another cookie.

I had no idea, I didn't wanna be basic with the whole "netflix and chill" thing but, it's all I got.

"well since it decided to rain and we can't go pennyboarding, how about we watch something on Netflix?"

"that sounds good"

"okay be right back" I said while exiting the fort to get my laptop.

As I was walking back downstairs, Paige was walking through the door.

"what smells good?"

"me and Johnnie made cookies, we left some for you on the counter"

"wait, Johnnie's here?"

"yea, he's in the fort and we're about to watch a movie so can you go to your room and not be obnoxious please?

"of course, just use protection" she winked and went up to her room with the cookies, oh gosh she has a dirty mind, and I hoped that Johnnie didn't hear that.

I went back to the fort and the first thing that was said was
"use protection huh?"

"just ignore her, she thinks she's funny" I said trying to prevent this from being awkward.

"haha oh okay, so what movie do you wanna watch?"
I was so grateful that he didn't continue questioning it.

"doesn't matter to me, you pick"

"yay" he said smirking, hopefully he didn't pick something scary because I'm a baby and get scared easily.

He wouldn't show me what he was doing until the movie was started so that I couldn't see what it was. The opening credits started with the words "The Human Centipede"


"hey it'll be okay, I've never seen it either so we can get emotionally scarred together.

By the middle-ish of the movie I was cuddled to Johnnie's side, very disturbed. It wasn't until the guy at the front had to crap when I lost all chill. I spazzed, closed the laptop and buried my face in the pillow completely disgusted.

I wanted to puke just thinking about the poor girl in the middle who has to legitamitely eat shit.

"Brook it's not real, it's okay" He tried to comfort me but I couldn't un-see that.

"nononononono you are so evil for making me watch this"

"awe come here" he said, pulling me into a hug.

We ended the hug and were just staring into eachother eyes, & I'm not gonna lie there was so many butterflies in my stomach, I didn't even think I had these kinds of feeling for him before.
For a second I thought I could see him leaning in when..

Paige yelled while running so fast down the stairs.

Way to ruin the moment, Paige.

After I killed the spider that tormented Paige, Johnnie's phone started ringing.
He answered it and went in the other room, after about a minute he came back out.

"that was Bryan, I gotta get going to help out with new house stuff, but I can help you clean up the fort & cookie mess first."

We put on some music and began folding blankets and washing dishes, the cleanup took about 20 minutes and Johnnies time to leave came too soon.

"Well text me later, thanks for having me over, see ya Brook." he said, offering a hug.

"no thankyou for coming and keeping me company" I replied, taking his offer and hugging him.

Once he left I was alone with my thoughts but for once today, they weren't about my Dad.
"was he really going to kiss me?
but would it have been too soon?
we haven't even known eachother that long.... was it a good thing that Paige stopped it from happening?"
so idk this is probly really boring but I guess it's more of like a filler type chapter. Also, I'm starting school in 3 days and will probly be mad busy and it'll be harder to update, but I will try on the weekend and stuff so stand by 💘

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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