chapter 5/

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The last bell rang and I was walking downstairs, minding my own buisness, when out of no where I am tripped from behind which causes me to stumble and fall. (luckily not down the stairs, in the hallway)
"All these years and she's still falling for me"
Guess who! Her and all her little friends laughed along with almost everyone on the second floor and the staircases, and continued walking down the stairs.
I groaned as I pulled myself up.

"So I guess everyone forgot about what happened because she seems to have them all back wrapped around her finger, I mean cmon, that joke legit wasn't even good."
I thought to myself while grabbing my earphones as I walked onto my bus. I sat in my usual seat and began listening to music to drown everyone out, but not before..

"hey Brook, have a nice trip!?"

some jock ass said as he walked to his seat, while laughing with his friends. I ignored his comment and blasted Antivist by Bring Me The Horizon.

Finally my stop came and I ran off the bus starting to run home, but was stopped by Johnnie.
"Hey is everything okay?"
I really didn't want to talk about it, I just wanted it to blow over and have everyone forget about it but, I couldn't ignore those big beautiful blue eyes of his.
"well... not exactly.."
"C'mon, lets talk."

We walked inside his apartment and into the living area.
"you can grab a seat on the couch if you'd like, I'm getting a Peace Tea, want one?"
"yes please."
he joined me on the couch as we opened our Peace Teas.
"So, tell me what's been bothering you."
I started from the very beginning, since elementary school. For some reason, I felt comfortable opening up to Johnnie in a way I've never felt with anyone else before, I felt like I could trust him.

so I got a cute guys number today ok ok it was so weird bc Im not good at the whole dating/flirting thing (I've never dated anyone) so I went with my friend and made her ask and I was legit shaking a little idek why ah

and now I just sit in silence ☠ {johnnie guilbert fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now