4 | A Roaming Spirit

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(n.) A heart-breaking feeling that leaves long-lasting traces, visible in gestures and facial expressions.

The journey to find a good place to eat was quicker than Vania thought. Even if she roamed around the city every chance she got, Cole knew his way around the place better than she ever could.

His wrangler stopped in front of a diner that seemed to be based on a period of time in Ninjago's History. Dragon's Keep was the name of the restaurant and it was sprawled in giant letters right outside the building.

A dragon statue was placed outside, wings outstretched and breathing out a fire that managed to create a roof above the doors. It was carved with detail from the scales to the color of his eyes, like the creature was really there.

By the entrance was a pair of double doors formed by glass—where traces of dirt had resided and disrupted the transparency. Vania was surprised to see the passenger side open and Cole standing outside, a hand outstretched to help her down.

"Do you wanna go inside or do you want to spend more time admiring the building?" He asked his tone generally curious instead of teasing and Vania shook her head.

"Right. Sorry." She said with a sheepish smile and took his offer of helping her down the car.

It wasn't that she admired the architecture, which was definitely much more beautiful than any of the other places she's been to, it was just a habit she'd developed a few years ago.

Cole led her to the entrance of the diner and pushed open the double doors. The inside was much more beautiful than the outside where the walls were lined with black and white photographs of warriors and soldiers.

Where the tables and chairs all had dragons carved deep into the wood and how despite the simplicity of the design, it was still captivating and beautiful in its own way.

Vania took a seat in a booth on the right side of the place, already bouncing up and down in her seat with excitement. Cole shook his head before opting to join her, deciding to sit on the opposite side of the banquette.

Her eyes continued to gaze upon the numerous amounts of dragon decoration that littered the room, she even spotted a certain carving in the wall—which she assumed was probably done by some customer who was fascinated with the creatures.

Above her was a chandelier hanging from the low ceiling that was made entirely out of dark oak. Small candle-like light bulbs were positioned all around the main circle to spread brightness to every corner.

From across her, Cole skimmed the menu with a grimace and a sharp inhale through his teeth. It was enough to get Vania's attention away from the decor.

"Don't worry about it. I'll pay." She said, it wasn't much of an offer really, more like a statement to inform him.

Cole perked his head from behind the menu. "You really don't have to. I can manage myself."

Vania tilted her head. "It's okay. I insist."


"Well given the fact that you work a job that probably pays less than it should, and including the pile of pillows at the back of your car, it was easy to assume that—"

"Okay. Okay." Cole said, dropping the menu from his hands to rub his face. "Just stop."

Vania closed her mouth. Oops. I may have crossed a line. She wanted to say something. Wanted to ask more about his current situation just out of her own curiosity. But if the look on Cole's face was any sign, it was that he wasn't ready to talk about it yet.

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