A Terrible Accident

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I only have three concerns in my life, Me, myself, and I! Those three things have gotten me far in life, and I don't plan on changing it anytime soon. I live my daily life on a tight schedule that should never be broken. I wake up, work, make money, come home, and enjoy myself. I don't worry about anyone but myself and, of course, the occasional female and male guests I like to have around. Being in a committed relationship is too much work; I'd instead do as I please, with whoever I please. It is that simple for me. People around me knew this, but why was I constantly being pushed to date?

Some of my coworkers invited me to go out drinking which I gladly accepted. They always knew how to have a great time. However, they invited lots of single people. It would have been great, but I hope it is not more than just drinking and hooking up. I like being single, and my friends always tell me, "Francis! when are you going to settle down?" as if they were also not single. That is actually where I was on my way to at the moment. I was walking there with my friend Alfred and Kiku; I knew they liked each other too!

They were just too nervous to say anything to each other. I could tell... I was not born yesterday. The way they looked at each other and talked to each other was sweet. It made me want to date someone. "Look at her! she looks cute? she will be there tonight!" Alfred laughed, showing me a picture. It was of a girl with short hair "oh! she is german! is that cool or what?" Alfred laughed. He began to nudge my arm, and I rolled my eyes. "Ahh, I think I want to do guys more often!" I laughed. He began to glare at me and turn off his phone. "Oh really? Are you going to only sleep with men? I will believe it when I see it," He laughed. "Well, is that convenient," he spoke.

I laughed at his response as I held the door open for him and Kiku. Kiku had been standing there rolling his eyes the whole time. "HEY! FRANCIS! I thought you would not come tonight," My other coworker spoke. His name was Matthew, and he was Alfred's brother; he married this lovely woman. I think she is from Cuba; I can not recall her name. "Ah, I found out you were going to be here, and I wanted to see you and Alfred drunk debate again," I laughed. "Hey! that happened once, and for the record, we debated for five minutes," Alfred tried to say. "It was for two hours... and it has happened multiple times... about whether dolphins are mermaids, "Kiku laughed. "I thought you were on my side," Alfred pretended to fake cry.

"Okay, yayaya! You are a terrible drunk; now, can we meet some people!" I laughed. There were many people from work laughing and dancing, some people I did not recognize, and lots of people flirting and getting frisky. We all walked to the bar and immediately ordered some shots. "AH AH! it is your turn!" Matthew came and took the shot away from me. "NO! it is Alfred!" I laughed, shocked. "He was designated driver last weekend," Matthew said seriously.

"That is right, loser! Have fun watching us!" Alfred spoke, taking my shot.

"Wait! we walked here!"

Matthew lifted an eyebrow and looked at Kiku, who gave a thumbs up. "Beat it, Jones! give me!" I laughed. I took the shot back and began to start drinking it. Alfred began to glare at me and suddenly shuffled through his pockets. "Alright then! Let's have a drink off! If I win, you have to go on an actual date! And if you win, you can pick a date for me too," Alfred put money down.

Everyone looked at him, shocked, and shook their head. "Alfred! You can't outdrink him! he is French!" Matthew said, worried.

"Thank you for the encouragement Matthew, but I got this," He laughed. The bartender placed shots in front of us, and we split them up evenly. "Watch this Kiku! I am going to be so hot!" Alfred cheered. He began to roll up his sleeves, and I looked at him determinedly. "Are you sure?" I laughed. He nodded his head, and we soon began to drink.

~Twenty shots later~

"A few more!"


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