Chapter 9: 16!!

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"Happy birthday Grace!" My mom said with a cake in her hand and 16 candles.
"Thank you mom, it looks so good." It had pink and white swirly frosting around it. It was a ice cream cake!! My favorite!
"Thank you again mom!"
"No problem."
"I just can't believe your already 16!" She said with a tear in her eye.
"Don't worry, I'll always be your baby girl," I said hugging her tightly.
"Let's go do something!"
"Okay," I said thinking.
"Ooooohhhh what about pedicures?!"
"Let me get dressed and get everything." I said excitingly. I can't believe I'm actually 16! It's mind blowing. I wish my dad was here. He is just in my heart. I kept telling myself you're 16. Omg, omg, omg. Is was my birthday and o got numerous texts from my family and friends in Utah saying stuff like, Happy birthday, OMG your 16 and other stuff, but what got my attention the most was a text from my best friend Alyssa. Alyssa and I knew each other since birth, our moms had known each other since they were 2 and me and Alyssa were the same. She texted,"I can't believe you're 16 and this is our 16th anniversary as bff's. I almost started crying but luckily I didn't. I decided to Skype her because I hadn't seen her in so long. I got on to my laptop and went to Skype. I only had 4 contacts on there my dad's which I deleted, my mom's , Alyssa's, and my other best friend Katelyn. I hit Alyssa's contact and it was loading and loading until I saw her face pop up on the screen. "Omg Alyssa!"
"I miss you so much you don't even know." I said tearing up.
"Oh trust me I know."
"I just want to hug you."
"Me too!"
"So, how's school been going for you?" I said.
"Great, but it's not true same without you."
"Same here."
"What have you been up too. Said Alyssa twirling her brunette hair with a little pink highlight in it.
"Nothing much, but there's this really cute boy his name is Alex!"
"Oooo Grace, tell me about him!"
We talked for a good 2 hours or so when the ground started to shake and the house was shaking and everything was shaking like a freight train had just derailed and was in flames. I was screaming and then Alyssa was saying what is that?
"It's an earthquake!" I said.
"I have to go, love you Alyssa, bye!"
I ran downstairs and I could see the road splitting in half one of my neighbors cars got pulled in. My mom wasn't home so I turned on the new and called the police.
"911 what's your emergency?"
"There's an earthquake near Sunshine Avenue!"
"Sorry I can't here you miss."
We were braking up and before I knew it she was off line. OMG, what do I do? First thing I did was get Faith and Wolf; I put them in a crate and put them on the couch. Stay put guys, I'll be right back! I opened the door and everything was shaking, my while neighborhood was gone. The first thing I thought of was my mom and Alex. I ran and ran until I got to Alex's house. It was demolished there was nothing left, it must of fell down the crack of the earthquake. I ran into the debris, there were 5 bodies, I couldn't tell if they were alive or not. I started picking up debris and I saw faces, it was Alex, his mom, dad, young brother and friend, Carter. I tried to feel for a pulse nothing on Carter. I performed cpr and Carter choked but was alive. "What happened?" He said confused. "There was an earthquake."
I checked for Alex's mom pulse, she was fine and so was Alex's dad. They just had fainted. Last I had to make sure Alex and his little brother Alan were ok. I felt a pulse for Alan and Alex neither one of them had one. I performed cpr on Alan, Alan was alive. I tried to revive Alex, I was sitting there crying with Alex's head on my lap. I tried again and again. Nothing. Nothing at all. I tried to call 911, but all the lines were down. There was no hope. Alex started choking. I situated myself and lifted his head a little.
"Grace?" He said really softly.
"Yes, yes it's me!"
"Where's Alan?"
"He's alive and so are your parents."
He fainted again and let go of me. I got in my moms other car and drove to Alex's house. I put Alex in the front and put the seat all the way back. I buckled him up. Next I put his mom and dad in the back and buckled them up, I grabbed 5 blankets and wrapped them up in it. I put Alan in the back across all the seats.
Carter wasn't doing so good, I put him right next to Alan, I covered them up with 3 blankets. I also covered Alex up with 4. I drove as fast as I could to where my mom worked the hospital

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