Chapter 2: On the Road

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We've been in the car for about 7 hours now. It feels like 16 trillion. All I want to do is stay in Utah with my friends and family but i guess not. I wish all 15 year olds had a say.
"I'm bored," I told my mom.
"Honey I am too just you gotta bare with me."
I started with a sigh, "Okay."
"Hey where are we right now, " I asked looking around not having a clue where we were.
My mom looked around, "I don't know."
"Well that's great!"
"We're just going to follow the moving truck," said my mom.
I shook my head, "Fine by me, but how do we know that these guys aren't leading us into a death trap?"
"Your father trusted him."
I went off in a book I'm currently reading it's really good it's called Anonymous.
((I don't know if that is a real book if it is credit out to you!!)) 3 more bourse have passed and we've been in the car for a total of 10 hours. We only have two more to go! We decided to take a break from the road and just go have lunch somewhere. We stopped at a little dine in. It said seat yourself, so I sat at a high booth. Our waitress came by and got our drinks. I ordered a raspberry tea as usual, my mom got Pepsi, one of the guys got Mountain Dew and the other guy that was totally different from the other guy got a black coffee. "I didn't even ask what is your guys names?"
"Oh um I'm Derrick." He had dark brown hair with blue eyes.
"I'm Zack." He had blonde hair with green eyes. They kinda matched their personalities if I do say so myself.

A few minutes later we got our drinks. Our waitresses name was Adrianna. She asked,"Can I get something started for you guys?" I asked for 2 pancakes, three pieces of crispy bacon and a side of hard eggs. I have no clue what my mom and the guys ordered, I was in my own universe.

About thirty minutes later we had our food. It was surprisingly fast do to how many people were in there. Derrick and Zack finished their plates in a matter of seconds. My mom and I always take our time eating but not today my mom finished in about ten minutes. I was right behind her I finished in about sixteen minutes. We were all really full. We got our bill and payed and before you knew it we were on the road again.

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