Dual Fic Nezuko's Love For Muichiro

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Nezuko knocked on the door and waited for an answer. She was a little shocked by how fast Muichiro answered, but he was never one to keep anyone waiting. Taking a deep breath, she said, "Hey, I know it's New Years and stuff and you probably already have your midnight planned but—"
Muichiro grinned. "Slow down." He laughed. "I have nothing planned, so just, I dunno. You wanna do something?"
Nezuko blushed. Wow, he wasted no time in stealing her thunder. Still, she came here for a reason. "Do you wanna come to the festival, then?"
Muichiro stepped out of his house in bare feet, and asked, "Who would I go with?"
Nezuko pointed at his feet. "You aren't wearing any shoes?"
"I know." Muichiro stepped down his steps, his bare feet slapping the cold pavement, while Nezuko retreated.
"Or socks."
Muichiro mumbled, "I know." As he leaned in towards her.
She panicked. What was he doing? Was he trying to make her fall over or something? A prank? No, not Muichiro . He was too gentle for that. Nezuko thrust out a slip of paper—it had the time and place to meet—and placed her other hand on his chest, holding him back. "So you'll be there?"
Muichiro ran a hand through his dishevelled hair. It looked really messy without one of his many hats. She wondered if he ever brushed those cute locks. "I guess." He took the slip of paper and glanced at it. "So..." Now he seemed nervous.
"Well then, I'll see you there." She smiled, moving to walk away but he touched her arm gingerly.
"Will it be just us?"
Nezuko looked back into those mint blue eyes. "I don't know, Muichiro "
He laughed, rubbing the back of his head. She couldn't work out why he was laughing. Neither of them had said anything funny. Was he just being a dork? "Tanjiro isn't going to be, you know..." Muichiro trailed off, trying to find the word.
"Chaperoning me or something?" Nezuko laughed loud and hard. How could he think that? It had been years since Tanjiro had been that protective. "I'm not a kid anymore, Muichiro ," she said between laughs.
"I know, it's just..." Muichiro bit his lip in that cute way that he did.
Nezuko grabbed hold of his hands and pulled so that he would look her straight in the eyes instead of looking all over the place like a lost puppy. "Tanjiro won't be there. So, just..." She smiled. "Stop worrying about it.
Muichiro lifted his wrist and pointed at the small black watch on it. "Shouldn't we wait?"
Nezuko smashed her trusty brick phone against the watch, shattering the glass. Muichiro was understandably shocked as she reached in and twisted the hands all the way to midnight. "It's time."
Muichiro tried to protest. "That watch was—"
Nezuko leaned in and kissed him.
Muichiro smiled goofily. "Not important."

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