Me & Muichiro alone!

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Summary: Muichiro's not going to the baseball game with his brother and friends and Nezuko decided to stay with him. Nezuko went to Muichiro's house to accompany him. Everything is good until Muichiro make his move. Nezuko's a little bit shy and they both got a little bit awkward. And there's a wrestling (not really wrestling) match between them. Nezuko and Muichiro went to town for a sightseeing and something happened there. (read it yourself) Then, Muichiro wanted to sleepover at Nezuko's house and something awkward, again happened there. Muichiro and Nezuko shared a bed. Nezuko's dreaming something terrible and end up waking up kissing Muichiro . AGAIN! (I really hate the kissing part!) But then something more terrible than Nezuko's dream happened. (I told ya oready, I hate summary)

Warning: OOC might happen. Our cute Nezuko has transformed into DemonNezuko in this chapter. Romance overload.

Nezuko's POV
Muichiro is alone. I really should go after him. He'll be lonely if I go with Tanjiro and the others to the Baseball game. I really do missed hanging out with my girl friends. But, Muichiro needs me more. Besides, going to his house is not so bad. After all, his mom and dad is going to work and his is with my brother and them... For the whole day.
I thought gleefully.
I pack my things and put everything I see into my bag pack. Some clothes, foods and lots of other things until I stop, realizing my bag pack is already full. I blinked then pouted. A few minutes later, I walk to Muichiro's house. It's only a few blocks from my apartment. And there I am, in front of Tokito's family residence. I knock it and Muichiro opens the door letting me in. Muichiro is a little bit sleepy. I look at his sleepy eyes. His long beautiful black to teal colored tipped hair was tied in a ponytail. He wears a white shirt and a... mist cloudy shaped mint colored boxer? My eyes widened. I think he forgot to change his boxer...
"Nice boxer Muichiro !" I joke at him even though I could feel my cheeks heating up.
He blinks at me before he looks down. His cheeks immediately exploded in color and he runs to his room without a single word to me.
I hear him screaming inside his room. Weirdo. His parents comes out of the kitchen and giggles at me.
"Nezuko dear, we heard from Muichiro that you want to stay for the night?" his mom asks me and offers me a cup of tea.

"Thanks, Mrs Tokito, and yeah, can I have a sleepover here tonight? I'm lonely at my house. Not so lonely actually. My mom is there but I just get lonely all the time." I said after I drank the tea Mrs Tokito made. It's delicious.

"Why of course, my dear. You can come here anytime you want. Besides, you are his girlfriend. Makomo told me everything about you two." Mrs Tokito said smiling at me.
I blush. My cheeks turn red.
"Well, aunty and uncle has works to do. We'll be back tomorrow, I guess. Lots of works to do. So we better get going., let's go hun. Have fun with our son !" Mr Tokito winks at me and him and his wife made their way to the door.
"Good bye Mr and Mrs Tokito." I say while waving at them with a smile, but my mind was running a few miles second at Mr Tokito's last words. What was that supposed to mean?
"Oh, I almost forgot. I put some money on the desk. You can call for pizza if you're hungry. And I baked some cupcakes for you two. Take care, Nezuko . If anything happens, call me. I'm always available. Bye!" Mrs Tokito waving at me too and I hear her footsteps walking to the elevator. And it stops, signing that I'm now alone with Muichiro.
Alone.. with Muichiro ? What should I do? I hear my mind speak to me with slight nervousness.
I go to Muichiro's room door and knock it. I'm surprise that he didn't answer me. I'm thinking that he's still shy about that boxer thingy.
"Muichiro , your mom asked me to change your diapers. Come out now." I laugh teasing at him.
"You better come out before I eat your favourite chocolate." I said to him. When I'm about to knock the door, he finally opens it and his cheeks turns red again. He already changed his boxer with his khaki short. I know that he can't give up for his favorite chocolate even if it means marrying Daki.
"There you are, sweetie." I pinch his cheeks.
"Well, what should we do?" he replies to me trying to hide his shyness.
"Er- Let's eat first, then watch some movies and... I don't know." I shrug and pull his hand to the kitchen. I remember the cupcakes that Mrs Tokito mentioned just now. She's really a good baker.
"Cupcakes! And oh, your mom left us some money." I said pointing to the desk where Mrs Tokito said she put the money.
So we both eat the cupcakes Mrs Tokito has made for us. As expected, it is delicious. And like what I planned, we both then watch movies. I pick a random movie. And we watch it together. Muichiro spread his right arm and hug me. My red cheeks appear, again!
Why I always feel this way when I'm right beside him?
I'm thinking while looking at my shy boyfriend. I look at his cute smiling face watching at the movie. His face is so cute. No wonder his locker is always full of love letters every day. I'm ignoring the movie and still looking at Muichiro . Unconsciously, I'm leaning forward slowly to his face. When I'm about to kiss him, he turns his look from the TV to me with that innocent face. I'm so red at the moment and really embarrass with myself! I retracted back from his face. And still, he's watching me innocently. When I'm about to remove my attention from him, he surprisingly kisses me on my lips. It was warm, so warm and moist. Finally, I can now feel how Muichiro kiss. He's still not letting go of me. I pull away then promptly sprinted to the bathroom and lock myself in it. I really can't believe that Muichiro Tokito had kissed me on my lips! That's the first time he ever kisses me on my lips. He kissed me?
I'm now staring at the bathroom's mirror. Thinking about how much of an idiot am I.

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