Your going to kill me

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Muichiro's POV:

Nezuko and I walked side by side along the row of Sakura trees.

It's freezing! It's already summer and it feels like -4 degrees here.

Though that fact wasn't enough to stop Nezuko from dragging me out of my room to go get some teriyaki.

"N-Nezuko. I'm practically frozen a-about now. Can we p-please abandon the teriyaki and g-go home." My teeth were shuddering, so it was hard to have a proper conversation.

"Oh stop being a whiney horse and get a move on! I'm hungry." Nezuko bit back. I think this cold is getting to her head. She's usually not this mean.

I sighed before doing something I normally wouldn't do. I spun on my heel and walked in the other direction. Away from Nezuko .

I didn't dare turn around. I don't want to see the dejected face of my adorable girlfriend.
"Mui-Kun! Where are you going?" I heard her call out to me. I also heard the clicks of her heels nearing me.

How can she run so fast with heels on?

"Nezuko I'm cold and I wanna go home." I complained uncharacteristically and turned to face her.

But I froze as soon as I saw crystal beads forming at the corners of her eyes. Is she going to cry?
She then smiled brightly at me. What a sudden change of moods...are all females this weird? I bet it was because she saw the guilt-stricken face I made.

I felt her arms wrap around me, surprising me even more. Is this girl okay? She went from upset, to happy and now she's hugging me. Why does this always happen to me?

I studied her grinning face before rolling my eyes and hugging back. She was too cute, and I couldn't find myself able to stay mad at her for long.

"I swear you're going to kill me with that cuteness one day."

I simply got a giggle in return.

Chilling time with Muinezu💗☁️Where stories live. Discover now