Chapter 8

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If Rose had to choose one favorite thing about going back home, it will be the hugs, the happy tears, the feeling of being with her people. She loved these moments as much as she hated the goodbyes.

At that moment, all Rose wanted was to go back home and see Marley, she felt like she hadn't seen him for ages. She never hurried to an airport like she did that day. Once she saw him waiting for her, she ran into his arms, they almost fell on the floor. On their way back to Sousse, it really felt like old times as good as it used to be. They were listening to music, singing and dancing. She spent the whole time looking at him, she loves his eyes, they are so expressive. She had too much to say, and she was determined to say them all and leave nothing unspoken, although she was scared of what would happen next.

Once they arrived at her apartment, she had a good feeling, a part of her knew what she would say won't matter because he already knows everything. She stands in front of the apartment and at the moment she was going to open the door he stopped her, hugged her so tight and told her how no matter what she decided he will always be there for her, his words gave her butterflies, like they always do.

Rose admired how Marley always knew what he had to say and do around her, she loved how his words were always comforting, how he made her feel, in his presence, she felt unique, perfect and loved.

Once the door opened it reveal candles and flower's petals, she looked at him with tears in her eyes ''That's cheesy, but I like it" he smiled to her and kissed her "So, I want to hear what you have to say, I'm sure you write three different essays explaining what you feel" she smiles to him, he knows her very well, "Two! So, let me speak before I get too emotional; Marley! I love you so much, and even if we've been separated for years, I don't feel like anything's changed, and in fact, before Stan proposed I was really thinking about breaking up with him, because I can't be with a person when I'm still in love with someone else, and that someone is you, it always been you! And I do believe that all of what happened was meant to be, so we can come back to each other! I'm in love with you and I want to be with you till my very last breath!" They both started crying, "I'm truly in love with you ace! I can't bear being without you anymore! Can we just get back together! I'm moving to Paris next September anyway!" She was shocked from what she just heard! Marley is moving to Paris! "Oh my God! Yes I want to be with you! But how did it happen? You are moving to Paris! When are you going to tell me? This is huge! And I'm shocked!' she couldn't stop smiling but she knew she had to tell him' but I have to tell something first!" As he heard her, his facial experiences changed, he was worried, what is she going to tell him, in a small lapse of time, he imagined the worst possible and unimaginable scenarios, "What's going on?' Are you okay?" "Listen to me till the end and then feel free to say whatever you want!' She started, stressed and scared of how he would react' as you know, I was in Djerba because I wanted to have time to think alone, but in reality that wasn't my only motive to go away. Since years now I always had my periods on time they were never late, but since, I didn't get them for month, and even though I took a pregnancy test 2 weeks and it turned negative, I decided to take a second one just to stop thinking about it, there was a little chance for me to be actually pregnant since I always had protected sex and I used contraception, but the test turned out positive and I'm pregnant!" She was shaking, she hoped she wouldn't have a bad reaction. "Wow! That's a surprise!' He was talking and processing what he just heard' but hey! You know I'm here for you and we will go through this together! And I want you to know, I'm really okay with it, after all, it happens" She was relieved, a big part of her knew he would be there for her like he always does! "So, let me ask properly! Rose Blais, will you give me the honor to be your boyfriend?" The fact that he formulated his sentence like he did just made her even more sure, but to be honest at this point anything he could've said would've made her sure! "Yes! Yes!" she replied, screaming and crying before kissing him. And it just felt right for both of them.

Needless to say how much Rose loved kissing Marley, his soft lips against hers, the way he touched her, his warm breath on her face, she loved it all!

When their lips touched, it was like a symphony, their heart's beat was a melody to their love, from now on they are just one, and this symphony is theirs every single day.

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