Chapter 13

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Rose felt like all she does is think. She was overwhelmed, she just needed a break. Everything started to seem hard and every simple task seemed too much!

In the plane, she kept thinking, she never doubted her feelings for Marley before, for five years she was certain he was the one for her and she loved him from all her heart. But what if she was just still in love with the memories and not the person! What if she loved the comfort of loving him?

Her mind is full of questions and doubts, she kept recalling the kiss on her head, and all of their memories and maybe the fact she never doubted her feelings was the problem, or maybe she was scared of letting it go, she always knew Sam was important to her. When he left, she fell apart, she remembers Stan doing everything he could to get her out of her sadness, but never succeeded. She felt guilty, and she feared Marley's reaction, she couldn't hide it from him. And there she is crying alone, once again in the plane, but for the first time she was crying on her way back to Tunisia. she never thought it could happen, he used to be so excited on her way back home; and she's crying! It was from far the worst flight she ever had, she wasn't feeling okay, and didn't want to see anyone.

Marley went to get her, he was happy to see her again, but once she walked out the airport checkout; she almost seemed pissed to see him. On her side, she saw her as one of the many things she had to solve and he saw her as his future wife. Once together they exchanged a kiss, but she seemed dry she didn't even say anything! "So! You okay?" He asked her, trying to start a conversation, but she didn't reply. She was far gone in her mind, thinking about Stan, Marley, Sam, her work, her study... "Rose! Rose!" "AH!' she recoiled 'sorry I zoomed out! What were you saying?" "I just wanted to know if you're okay!" "Oh yea!' she was lying and he knew, 'I'm just tired! Can you take me to my house, I just want to spend some time alone, maybe later we'll meet at my parent's house!" he nodded as a sight of agreement and then none of them spoke again, not until she thanked him once in front of her house.

She really wanted Sam to be there for her.

And as she was starting to fall asleep, she heard someone knocking at her door, assuming it was one of her friends she ignored it, but the person kept knocking, it was weird, whoever it was, sounded like they had to see her. She hated it, she really wanted to sleep. Once she opened the door she remained in her place shocked, "What are you doing here! I...I didn't expect you to come, Sam!" There he was, standing in front of her, in one of the lowest points,  like he always was. Without saying a word, he wrapped his arms around her, kissed her forehead and just let her cry, he didn't ask her to stop or say anything he just let her cry. In fact, that night they didn't talk. Rose fell asleep in his arms while he was playing with her hair, like old days.

Meanwhile, Marley decided to finally go talk with Rose's mom, Sofia.He just wanted to reassure her, and get her on his side. Sofia loved Marley, she always wished for them to end up together. But she couldn't say it, not with her daughter being with someone else or being confused, she just let her take her own decision on her own rhythm.  

Marley and Sofia chatted about, especially about Rose, he expressed how much he loves her! Sofia didn't want to take sides, it wasn't her place to, she just asked him to take care of her and wished deep down for them to get together.

Meanwhile Rose was asleep in Sam's arms, she had no idea what would happen eventually, or how Marley would react, but one thing was sure, she was confused and not as sure about Marley as she was before.

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