Chapter 17

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Rose hated packing, she always perceived it as a stressful activity more than anything and now with Sam with her, she knew it was about to get worse.

And even if she loved being in his company and he brought her such joy, for the first time they were both silent and not because there was nothing to say, but because there was so much to say that they're lost. "Sam!" "Rose! You know I hate it when you start with my name!" "Yeah I know! we need to talk seriously!" "I'm all ears!" "I always knew the 16 year old me will always like you, but that was it, I never thought of you as more than my best friend or at least that's what I thought! And I think, deep down I knew I was falling for you three years ago, and I panicked, that night when we danced together at your parents house that's when I knew we were more than friends but I denied it, I was too scared to lose you! And that's why I started going out with Stan. But now I know it, it didn't go away, and I was holding so tight to Marley because it was a feeling I was familiar with, that I've lived in for so long and the day it went away I couldn't even notice it. But now I see it! It's been the one I wanted!" "You wanted? Why are you talking in the past?" he looked defeated, "Look Sam, I can't take this decision at the moment, I am not thinking clearly and to be completely honest, I don't think I'm ready for any kind of commitment! look at me and Marley we rushed into things and now I can't even say his name without feeling this rush to cry! If I'm going to be with you, I want it to be right, and now I can't! And I won't ask you to wait around for me and I'll understand if you won't" and because it was Rose, Sam didn't care about how long it could take her or if she could be with him or not, at the second she admitted she had fallen for him he just stopped comprehending what she was say. "And you can have all the time you need, I'll be waiting for you! For us!" She had no idea how long she needed or what she had to do before she could be with him, she just knew she can't be committed to anything before she could figure out all this mess and what she will be doing after her graduation in September.

He watched her packing or may I say admiring her, it finally felt like old times but even better. She could feel him watching her, and it made her feel good. He had this way to make her feel so special and so unique only by one look, and she almost forgot about it.

The next morning she woke up in his arms, at first she didn't want to move, it was so comfortable and nice but it was almost time to go, she tried to wake him up, "he looks like an angel when he's asleep" she thought, she almost wanted to go back to bed just to watch him sleeping. She kissed his forehead and he woke up, he felt different, happier, more excited, "you look beautiful!" He told her, opening his eyes. She could feel herself blushing, "so do you!" She replied with the biggest smile.

The plan was, Olivia and Felix will come and get them to go to Monastir's airport and from there they will all take a plane to Djerba. And so they did. And after less than an hour and a half they arrived at their destination.

For the whole flight, Rose was sleeping on Sam's shoulder, and even though, basically he hated when someone fell asleep on his personal space as he called it, because it was Rose he didn't move not even to scratch his nose. That was how Sam showed his love, it wasn't with words or touching, he rarely told his beloved ones he loves them, and the fact he actually stood in front of Rose and told her about how he feels was actually extraordinary. his love language was little gestures, sleeping in the couch so she can have the bed all for her, giving her the last glass of juice or wine, staying up listening to her crying about Marley even though it hurts him to hear her talking about another guy, paying for her nails every month, he used to do all if this just to express his love and nothing more. What Rose admired about him was, him giving and not expecting anything in return, the smallest things made him the happiest even when she came to his home with one flower, he let it dry and kept it in a jar.

On their way to the hotel, Rose put a whole show in the car singing along with the radio,

To kiss in cars and downtown bars

Was all we needed

You drew stars around my scars

But now I'm bleeding

Sam was calm, he was acting like he was annoyed but his eyes said the opposite, she was amazed, she liked how he looked at her while she did it, it gave her a sort of confidence. He looked at her smiled and joined her

'Cause I knew you

Steppin' on the last train

Marked me like a bloodstain, I

I knew you

Tried to change the ending

Peter losing Wendy, I

I knew you

Leavin' like a father

Running like water, I

And when you are young, they assume you know nothing

After 30 minutes they finally arrived at the hotel, it was big, beautiful and more importantly by the beach. Rose knew the hotel since it wasn't her first time there, probably her fourth time there. When they gave them their rooms, Sam and Rose had two bedrooms next to each other, meanwhile Felix and Olivia's was a bit farther. Everything was going on their favor! 

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