Chapter 9

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Rose and Marley spent the day together, she almost forgot about her pregnancy. Why would she care now, she has Marley's support! A part of her didn't want to think about it, for now at least, after all, she was finally reunited with the person she wanted to be with. It felt like paradise, from the way he was looking at her to how he was touching her. Everything was perfect. They were holding each other so tight, like they were keeping one another from leaving.

Night had come and it was time for Rose to go home to see her family. She had to take Marley with her, she knew once they saw him they wouldn't ask questions about where she had been.

Once there, she hoped to find no one, she wasn't in the mindset to socialize with people, plus she had to think about what she had to do. But unfortunately for her, she didn't just find only her parents, but also her dad's best friend Felix and his family, don't get me wrong, in general she loved to see them and spend time with them but it wasn't the right time.
Once they saw them, they were all confused but happy, the two of them together holding hands again! None of them dared to ask about Stan till the moment her mom spoke up "So Rose!' With an hesitant almost mocking voice 'How's Stan?" "Oh yeah! How could she forget about such a thing! 'We broke up!" They were all shocked from what they just heard "but why?' Her mom asked ''I suppose you knew he was going to propose,' they shake their head as a sign of agreement, 'I realized, I didn't love him enough to marry him, plus come on I think it was very obvious I wasn't over Marley yet!" There was a moment of silence before Felix's wife, Olivia, got up and since Rose's parents had a new house that they just moved into, she asked about the way to the bathroom, so Rose went with her to show her. She knew she was the only woman she could talk with and could help her.

Rose never felt that way, confused, sad, angry and lost.

There they are, Rose was wondering should she ask her, or say nothing, what if she tells her mom or won't help her! The situation made her way too anxious, she couldn't even breathe, she was all shaking, and feeling like she's falling apart. She was trying to look normal the entire time but this woman knows her well enough to know when something is off, she watched her growing and becoming the young lady she is now.

She knew she had to tell her, but she couldn't think of any good way to say it, she didn't want her to be disappointed on her, she used to see her as the little innocent girl, I mean, yes, Olivia walked her once kissing with Marley and said it's normal but it's not like being pregnant!
"Look Olivia, I don't know how to say what I'm about to say, and I don't want you to be disappointed in me!" As words were coming out of her mouth, she saw all of her life in front of her wondering how she landed there. "You're scaring me, tell me what's going on!" "There is no good way to say this!' In a shaky voice 'I'm pregnant" Olivia was shocked, she wasn't expecting that, in less than 30 minutes she heard a lot of news, shocking ones "Wow! What! How! When! With who!" "With Stan my boyfriend, oh sorry I meant ex-boyfriend and it must've been just before coming to Tunisia. I know it's bad but I'm lost and I don't know what to do! You know my mom, I can't tell her, you are the only woman I can share this with!" "You're not going to keep it aren't you?" "Of course I'm not !' Rose replied immediately, 'I want to abort but I don't know any gynecologist here that my parents don't know! And even though I know a doctor shouldn't be leaking out any information about his patients but honestly I can't risk it ""Yeah I understand! I think the best solution is to go to your gynecologist in Paris." She knew she was right but she didn't know what she could possibly say to her parents so they didn't suspect her. She had to make a decision quickly.

Rose and Olivia went back together like nothing happened, and that's when Rose realized that their son Sam wasn't with them. "Where is Sam?' I didn't see him the whole night!" "He had to go back to Paris for a work matter and he doesn't know if he will make it back or not!" "Oh what a shame! I haven't seen him or spoken with him for two years now!' And in a sarcastic voice, she added ''Thanks to Stan!".

Sam and Rose used to be best friends, their friendship started when she was fifteen and he was nineteen but at first they were simple friends they didn't talk much but whenever they meet they had a great time, but once she moved to Paris, he was there for her, he showed her the city and made sure she had everything she needed, and when she was depressed to the point where she couldn't even get up from bed he was there, she spent night crying on his shoulder, telling him about her story with Marley and how crushed she was. But when she started going out with Stan, Sam became weird and he started distancing himself from her, at first she tried to hold him back but then when Stan expressed his jealousy openly and she noticed how Sam wasn't doing any effort for her she let him go and since then they didn't spoke and even when she saw him she was nervous. She hated how they ended up, she always pictured him in her life. And she really wished he was there for her at such a time.

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