Chapter 21

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[Y/N]: Alright, you ready?

Chizuru: I still can't believe you're actually making me do this.

[Y/N]: For what it's worth, he deserves to know about us since I know about him renting out Ruka.

Chizuru: Well, I can't stop you now. He's already here.

I peek around the corner and see Kuri waiting while leaning against a wall. Long story short, I texted Kuri to meet me here. But instead of me, he's going to be meeting up with Chizuru.

Chizuru: I shouldn't keep him waiting.

[Y/N]: Alright. Good luck.

Chizuru: Like we promised, treat me with love after this.

[Y/N]: Yeah, fine. I'll see you later.

Chizuru: Yeah.

I gave her a kiss and then watched her meet up with Kuri. At this point, I decided not to watch because it'll make me jealous anyway.

(Chizuru POV)

I approached Kuri who was looking through his phone mumbling about where [Y/N] is. He noticed me and looked up from his phone being surprised.

Kuri: C-Chizuru-san!?

Chizuru: There you are! Thank goodness. Shun-kun, right? I've never been here before so I got lost.

I just have to go with my usual rental girlfriend routine. I'll follow [Y/N]'s date plan and just wing it from here on.

Chizuru: I've planned out our date and everything!

Kuri: W-Wait! Aren't you...

I sighed internally before putting on a smile and looking back at him. He widened his eyes as I bowed my head down slightly.

Chizuru: Hello. I'm Mizuhara Chizuru, your rental girlfriend.



Kuri was shocked to say the least. He even had to turn his back against me just to search me up. And then he texted [Y/N]. I managed to catch a glimpse of what he texted.

Chizuru-san's a rental girlfriend!?

Why are you texting me on a date?


You set me up! I knew it!

He turned his head back to me slowly like a rusted door and looked back at his phone. Then he looked back at me again.

Kuri: So... You weren't really [Y/N]'s girlfriend?

I didn't answer. I couldn't answer. If I told him about [Y/N] being my boyfriend, he'd be really confused. So I decided not to answer at all. Instead, I approached him and took his hand.

Chizuru: Let's go, Shun-kun.

I began running while holding Kuri's hand. Running to the Asakusa Gate, I was pretty excited. I haven't really been to the Asakusa Hanayashiki, so [Y/N]'s date plan was also fun for me.

Chizuru: Wahh, they even have a merry-go-round! I've wanted to come here for so long!

I did a little twirl in front of the gate and also Kuri to show that I'm happy to be here. Kuri looked as if he had a lot of things going on in his mind so I giggled and turned to get the tickets at the ticket booth in front of the gate.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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