4. Send Forth the Stalkers

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Location: The Universe

"Based off of Shilly's message, I've deduced that the creature we're looking for is a demigod," Athena's voice rang throughout the void of time and space. The stars and planets in the galaxy all rotated swiftly as if time didn't exist, bright particles traveling through various atmospheres and light sources reflecting off each other, creating waves of different colored, glorious lights lapping at the darkness of the universe. All the divine gods -no matter where they were in the universe- could hear the Goddess of Wisdom speak: "We must travel to all of the planets, moons, and asteroids capable of sustaining life if we want to discover the God-Slayer before they fully understand their powers. Shilly said that the God-Slayer was coming - this suggests that they have yet to make their debut. Let's try to find them before that happens."

"But there are so many demigods," Hecate purred through the veil of darkness. "I am the only one who has not produced children, everyone else has certainly put forth gallant efforts to help sustain the mortal race..."

Silence from the guilty gods.

"Oh, I forgot about Hades," she added.

"Who doesn't?" Hermes snorted with amusement. "He'll still be holding onto his V-card come the end of time."

"Herms, focus," Athena hissed.

"Right, anyway. With all of us workin' together - and personally, there ain't a god or goddess that can travel faster than I can - we'll be able to find this God-Slayer, no problem. I ain't even worried about it."

"But what will make this demigod different than all the others?" Hera asked.

Zeus' sister, Poseidon, answered through a galactic flash of blue light, shooting stars rushing through the display. "This demigod will certainly be more powerful than all the others, there will be something about this one that even mortals and machines can sense. Where they are, armies will follow, who they are will be chiseled into creatures' memories, and what they are will soon be known to the rest of the galaxy. I sense we are nearing the time when this God-Slayer discovers their powers...and I also don't think that this will be a time to rejoice."

"What are we going to do once we find this demi?" Aphrodite fretted.

There was a heavy pause as the systems in the galaxy continued to spiral. Finally Zeus answered, "I do not want this demigod harmed. They are a member of our family; we shall take them to Olympus and train them as a god."

"Interesting..." Apollo said softly. With a God-Slayer on our side, perhaps they will be able to help us contain Hades. Hades was Shilly's murderer, Apollo was still so certain of it. Oh, he wanted to find the God-Slayer so badly; they may have been his only hope of avenging his slaughtered Prophetess.

"Let's not waste any more time, there is an entire universe to scour for our God-Slayer," Zeus said. "Stay in touch."

"Wait! What about my son?" Demeter demanded furiously. "Hades kidnapped my baby! And now he's trapped there! I can sense it! Trapped and helpless!"

"Dee," Hera tried to soothe her fiery sister. "Persephon is resourceful, I'm sure he's keeping himself busy... And Hades would have no reason to harm him -"

"What reason does that monster need to do anything?! What reason did he need to have his dog kidnap my baby?!" She thundered, a nebula erupting through space in her corner of the galaxy.

"I understand you, Demeter," Apollo said quickly. "Trust me, Hades will be made to pay for this crime and all the others he has yet to answer for."

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