Chapter Three Deep Trouble

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Spring's Prov

I woke up on a soft bed. Getting up I went for the door. It was to my surprise unlocked. Walking out I immediately went looking for the basement or should I say cells because I have a feeling that something down there needs set free. Roaming around I found a room full of speakers. Then an idea hit me. Pulling out my mp3 I plugged it into the speakers. Picking a song and cranking the volumes all the way up I pushed play.

Go hard or go home started blasting through the speakers which shook pretty much the whole place. Running full speed I found the cells and looked in ever cell. I eventually got to the end and there was a buff man that looked like he was in the mood to kill. Looking around for keys or something to pry the door open with was difficult when you don't want to get caught.

When I came back I was expecting him to be in the same spot but boy was I wrong he rwached through the bars and pulled me against them. "Dude let go! I can't bust you out if your holding me here." He looked at me like I don't trust you. The song was coming to an end an before Gdfr by Flo Rida started the guy that kidnapped me yelled my name.

"Girl hurry up and get this door open." He said angerly. Before I could even flinch I was pulled back into a rock sold chest. "You're in big trouble little one." My eyes widened went to hit him. He grabbed my hands and threw me over his shoulder. Kicking and screaming he carried me back to the room that I was in. He sat me down in his lap and forced my head to the side. That's when pain pierced my neck and I screamed bloody murder.

He pulled back and licked at were he bit me. "You are to remain by my side for now on no leaving. Oh wait just to make it clear to you that running away is bad." He said as he pulled out handcuffs. I tried running away but he caught me and handcuffed me to the bed.

"No please don't! Help someone help!" I screamed. "Hush little one!" He snapped and laid on me. I began to cry and he just watched me. "You know little one it could of been worse." He said still looking at me without any emotion. "It already has why do you think I lived with my grandparents for." I whispered lowly as possible but he still heard it. He looked at me and he put a hand on the side of my face.

"Don't be afraid love I'm just going to sift through your memories." He said gently. Shortly my worsest memory surfaced. "Spring did you honestly think I loved you?" Jermain asked laughing. "Haha girl your nothing but a slave to me. I only said that I loved you to get you to trust me and to stay. Now get on the bed and lay still." He ordered but I refused.

When he got mad he just threw me on the bed. "Where is he Spring?" My kidnapperyelled at me. In tears someone broke the door down and the guy from the cells came in looking ferious. Bones snapped and cracked and soon there was a big midnight black wolf standing innthe man's place. He lunged at my kidnapper knocking him off of me.

The wolf bit at the handcuffs and broke them but half still remained on my wrists. With his big heaf he motioned for me to get on his back I did and he went over to the window and jumped out. "You're one crazy werewolf." I said on the way down. And let me tell you it was a long way down and he was unfazed when his massive paws struck the ground.

Darting into the woods he ran with ease. Never in my life did I think I could be riding a wolf like a horse. "Ummm...thanks by the way." I said to him as he kept running. "Jump off his back little one." My kidnapper's stern voice saidin my head. Gripping the werewolf's fur tighter and pushed my knees into his sides. "Little one I said to jump off! You are only making it worse for yourself! When I get you back you'r in deep trouble!" My kidnapper's angery voice snapped.

The wolf growled menacingly and flipped. And shifted back into human form. "They can't get you here kid. If you don't mind my asking why did you come down to the cells?" He asked looking down at me. "I had a feeling the someone in that place was innocent and being held for no reason." I replied. "Your are either the craziest or stupidest girl I've met. The only reasons why I came for you is because I didn't want you getting hurt because you were trying to help me. And there is something that I wanted to test." He said gently.

"What do you mea...." Before I could finish he kissed me and pulled me to him. He growled possessively and bit into my neck were my kidnapper had. His sharp k9 teeth sank into my neck. When he retracted his teeth he kissed were he bitten softly. "I'm not ever letting you go little mate." He whispered huskly.

Zandan's Prov

When the girl came to my cell I thought what is a little vamp doing down here. When she looked at me I saw sympathy and determination. She went in and out of my vision. So thinking I could get answers out of her sence Blake's scent it all over her. When I grabbed her she looked me in the eyes and said, "Dude let go! I can't bust you out if your holding me here." She said. When people say the eyes are windows to the soul that is an accurate for her. She wasn't lieing about that.

When I let her go and told her to hurry up Blake grabbed her and started walking away. All I heard was her screams and cries. Her body wasn't cold like a vampire's nor was she pale like them and you could feel her heart beat. SHE'S HUMAN! "Have to break her out of here." I muttered. A guard came ti my cell and I quickly ripped his head off threw the bars and got the keys. The little girl don't deserve to suffer at the hands of Blake nor his brother both are ruthless and evil.

Following their scents I reached Blake's room and I hear him yelling at her. Breaking down the door I was him on top of her, and her in tears and handcuffed to the bed. She looked toward me with pledging eyes. Rage took over and I shifted into my pitch black wolf. Attacking Blake was easy because he was distracted.

Turning my attention to her she looked at me like haha so cool. She's strange for a human. They mostly run or cower away, but not her. Breaking the handcuffs in half was quick and motioning for her to get on my back. When she did it's almost like she has done this before.

Jumping out the window and landing on the ground she calls me a crazy werewolf. So I guess in her point of view I'm nuttier than she is. We've been running for about maybe an hour. Flipping in the air I shifted back and sat her on the ground. An no I'm not naked our scientists figured out a way to keep our clothes on when we are in wolf form.

"They can't get you here kid. If you don't mind my asking why did you come down to the cells?" I asked her. "I had a feeling the someone in that place was innocent and being held for no reason." She replies to me. Well that just makes perfect sense note the sarcasm. "You're either the craziest or stupidest girl I've met. The only reasons why I came for you is because I didn't want you getting hurt because you were trying to help me. And there is something that I wanted to test." I said gently to her.

"What do you mea..." I cut her off by kissing her lips. She may not be my mate but I will make her mine. After marking her I said, "I'm not every letting you go little mate."

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