Chapter 4: The Window

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(A/N): Chapter 7 will be the final chapter, I am working on another twilight fic right now.

Alice was in the car, everyone next to her. She was then pulled into a strong daze, it was a vision.

She could see her surroundings clear as day, a door, with roses painted on it, the door being opened. She heard a voice. "Hello." The voice said, it sounded familiar. There was nobody to be seen. She saw a trail on the floor, not red but clear. She opened another door, seeing a plastic bottle on the floor, a hole in the middle of it. The clear liquids slowly trickling out.

She saw a broken lamp on the ground, she also saw a cracked watch and a knife on the ground. Now seeing another trail, one that was red. She knew this was blood, there was something on the floor. The blood was blue and a ll she could see were shoes, dress shoes, and the knife next to the blood trail. She peeked over to get a look at the face, but the vision had already ended.

Edward had been frantically trying to get her back.

"Edward you can't do that. It messes with my visions."

He stopped her. "Jacob is gone. Left the car."

She looked to her right, not seeing him.

"He said he had to do something, it was in his soul." Edward spoke.

Alice laughed. "Ha, takes me back to when Arrow was telling me that his legacy would live on if he died and they would live on. And he died, I bet the Volturi are in shambles, their evil leader gone." She said. They both laughed

30 Minutes later

They had arrived in the driveway of their house. Jasper running straight to the door, using his powers. He was up to the door, he was about to open the door, for Jasper the walls started caving in, what was happening. Suddenly everyone heard a bang.

Jasper was on the floor, his head bashed into the door window. Alice and Carlisle frantically went near to his side.

His neck exposed, the jacket on the floor. Red marks all over his jacket. Bites all on his neck. "Jasper, NO. How long have you been hiding this?" She asked, crying while biting into her wrist.

Rosalie opened the door and Carlisle carried Jasper inside. Alice got a large cup, draining her blood into the cup.

They placed Jasper on the floor. Jasper was seeing everything very distorted, he was seeing dust, air particles, dirt

Alice handed him the cup of blood, he drank some, throwing the rest with the glass. "I.. I- I hid it because I didn't w- want you all to worry." He was stuttering and slurring on most of his words.

Alice grabbed the leftover bandages and cream she had from the hospital. She tried to apply it to him. He grabbed it, crushing it with his enhanced strength that came with being a vampire.

"Who did this to you." Carlisle cried out. Jasper couldn't seem to get the words out yet.

"Bella, Edward. Help." Rosalie yelled while looking back at the front door, still open.


Bella and Edward couldn't help. They were on the phone with Jacob.

"Where are you, Jacob. Please?" She asked

"Where I need to be." Jacob kept repeating

"How are you even getting there?" Bella pried, Edward and Renesmee not listening to the conversation.

"I stole somebody's car." He spoke. Bella jumped up at these words, so did Edward.

"You're going to give it back? Right?" Bella asked, Edward gave her a look.

"Nope, no plan on returning it. Blue Caddilac." Jacob laughed, Edward went inside with Renesmee.

"Jacob, this is completely unhinged." She remarked

"I'll be fine, I even brought a flashlight with me incase the ghosts or the monsters come out during the day." He said sarcastically. Bella's eyes turning red, the Jacob she knew would never do this.

She almost hung up on him, but decided not to. Bella heard the screaming from the slightly cracked front door, she ran inside.


She saw Alice over Jasper, Carlisle watching next to her. Rosalie hugging Renesmee, Edward taking her away to the bed, trying to get her to sleep. Bella was still, she was thinking about Jacob. She ran back out once again to grab her phone.

"A.. Alice, vampire." He whispered

"A vampire did this to you?" Alice asked. Jasper nodded, hurting his neck.

This sent Alice into another vision.

Jasper was on the side of the Volturi. He tried to run, he tripped on the snow and fell in front of a vampire. This vampire had a distinct smell and looked somewhat different than the others.

They picked up Jasper and were behind him, they bit into his neck. Jane was witnessing everyone being wiped out. "Volturi, scram." Jane yelled out as she ran away with the rest of them. The vampire took their fangs off of the left side of his neck.

"Did you see it?" Jasper asked.

Alice nodded her head, the sound of the fangs coming in contact with Jaspers neck frightening her.

"The blood on the floor, it was yours." Rosalie realized. "Why didn't you tell us." She added.


"Jacob, cut it out. Where are you?"

"I can clue you in. Dead."

"What, how are you dead." Bella exclaimed

"Oh, sorry not what I meant. This place is riddled with death." He said.

This had to mean the battleground, what was drawing him back there. Was there a connection.

Bella went into the room, dragging Edward and Renesmee out of the room. She took them into the car. "The battleground, that's where Jacob has to be." Bella said. Her and Edward were about to get into the car.

"Let me." Renesmee said. She took them under her wings and started flying them to the field.

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