Chapter 5: The Bodies(3)

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The voice inside Jacob's head had told him to go here, why here, why now. Jacob was approaching the rose painted door, hearing a creaking after tugging and pulling the doorknob. He entered the room and saw another door. "Hello." He said, looking for what was ahead of him.

There was a clear trail leading to another door, he went through the door and wasn't expecting to see broken glass on the floor, next to a broken lamp. Then he saw a punctured bottle on the floor, still having water in it that was dripping out.

He saw shoes that were on the floor, were they attached to a body. Then he saw a pool of blood, and a knife, it was pulled out of them. Jacob went closer to the body, getting his flashlight and turning it on. The face of their body shone like the sun, or rather sparkled. It was Arrow.


Bella and Renesmee were together, looking for any sign of Jacob. When Bella stumbled upon Arrow's head, laying in a blood swamp, next to the pool of blood that engulfed Renesmee's detached arm. Bella led her away from the blood, trying to not cause anymore problems.

Her phone rang, Renesmee shot up, her natural reactive response to anything loud. Edward had left, he knew Jasper was in trouble

"Jacob, where have you been. You are not at the battlefield." She said, not paying attention and almost tripping over bodies.

"Battlefield? I'm at a graveyard." He replied

"Who died?" She inquired

"Nobody, well not exactly." He stopped in his words

Bella was confused when Jacob had spoke.

"How can somebody half-die." She asked

"Arrow." He spoke. She was still immensely confused.

"So he is only half dead? How? I am standing over his body right now." She uttered as she checked for a pulse and felt nothing.

"What? No that's impossible." Jacob remarked.

"Arrow is dead Jacob and he is here." Jacob's jaw dropped, feeling the pulse of Arrow, there wasn't one. He took another look at his face, it was him. For sure.

"No Bella, you're not listening, he is here." Jacob yelled

"Jacob, what has gotten into you. Are you seeing ghosts now?" Bella said, and laughed

"Nothing, you are not listening." He yelled yet again

"Let me guess, his legacy is here, it will live on forever." She said, then she gasped as she saw the body, he put on a facetime and showed her the face to match the body. He reached in the pocket, pulling the dagger out, Renesmee's blood on it. He put the dagger away, trying not to trigger more traumatic memories.

"Jacob, put the body in the car. She added Carlisle to the call, after trying to add Jasper didn't work.

"Why hasn't Jasper been answering my calls."

"Bella, now is not a good time." Carlisle said.

Jacob, not knowing he was on a three-way call attack, started speaking. "Bella, I have the body in the trunk, what do I do now." He said

Rosalie looked over to the phone that Carlisle was holding.

"Bodies, what have you guys done now." Rosalie yelled, desperately clinging onto Jasper.

"Oh don't be so dramatic, you helped us kill the Volturi." Jacob said, attacking Rosalie.

"Hey, you ripped their heads off." Carlisle yelled into the phone. He is still by Jasper's side

Carlisle heard Jasper screaming in pain, he hung up the phone not wanting to deal with this side non-sense.

"Look at me, all three of you." They all looked him in the eyes.

"You will be sad when I am gone, but you will move on, you will find happiness in good things." He said, controlling their emotions, a power he had never used on them before.

"Jasper, Jasper" She asked.

He didn't answer, Alice took his wrist and tried to feel for a heartbeat, it was gone

Rosalie held onto Alice, comforting her, Carlisle joined in and held onto them, all of them crying.

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