Chapter 6: The Table

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Edward came running into the house, seeing Jasper on the floor. Everybody standing over him.

"He's okay, right" Edward asked

He didn't get an answer.

"Where is Emmett.". He still didn't get an answer. He barged into his room, Emmett was asleep.

"Emmett, wake up," Edward tapped his shoulders and took his blanket off

"Edward, hey. I have to go back to sleep." Edward shook him violently twice.

He came out of his bed, sprinting to his door. "Edward, you have that look on your face. What's wrong?" Edward was silent, not wanting to tell him. Emmett ran to the outside of his room, after hearing their cries.

He looked at the open front door, he gazed down and saw the trail of blood. "What happened." He asked. His eyes following the trail to Jasper, marks all over the left side of his neck.

He took off, trying to get to Jasper. He gracefully slid, he was next to Carlisle and Alice, Rosalie was still weeping. Edward went over and they were all doing a group hug.


Bella was still in the field, "Drive to the house, Carlisle could help us figure out how they look the same." She said. "I have the other body in my car too." She added. How did they look the same, are there two Arrows?


Bella was in the driveway, seeing the front door that was open, she came running in, having the body in her arms. Carlisle looking over, seeing Arrows body and face sparkling.

Bella threw the body, she grabbed Renesmee, and took her to her room. "Mom, was that Jasper, is he dead?" She asked

"What, no. He is going to be okay. You need to sleep." Bella replied.

She went into Carlisle's room, looking for somewhere to put a body. She looked around, the walls were blue, and he had his hospital supplies stored in his cabinets. She found a large wooden table, she put the body on the left side of the table, keeping space for the Arrow that Jacob had seen. The table was brown and wooden, it had very sturdy legs.

She looked for Edward, she found him next to his brothers and sisters. She grabbed him

"Edward, come here." She spoke.

She guided him into the room, Arrow's body and head. "What is this, a reminder, a celebration that we won the battle?" He asked

"No, just wait here."

He left the room before she could come back


She met Jacob outside, his trunk open, The bottom half of Arrow's face shining. Jacob was staring at Bella, looking at her shimmer and dazzle in the sun.

She grabbed the body out of the trunk, carrying it like it weighed nothing.

"I'm never going to get used to this. The glimmering in the sun and the enhanced strength." He uttered.

"Jacob, no playing around, we have more serious matters to take care of."

She placed the body on the other side of the table, the table was laying vertically. Carlisle got up, grabbing a tissue. Jacob was staring in awe of the two bodies, was Arrow not really dead?

Carlisle came in, blowing his nose.

"What's your working theory?" He asked, he threw the tissue on the floor.

"We think he can duplicate himself." Bella replied.

"Is there any evidence that suggests so?"

"There are 2 bodies here that both look like him."

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