~Inked and inking~

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this chapter contains smut, sexual topics and things on that subject. If you wouldn't like to read this chapter, skip to the next or continue downwards until there's no smut. Thank you ( Also this chapter includes crosslust, Kustard, (Some cherry kustard) ,inkmare, Errordream, Dustlust, horrorlust, Lustmare, Inklust, inkdust, horrink and lust doing his job. (。・ω・。)ノ♡

King Nm's pov:

As me and my crew ate our dinner, it seemed as if my magically, non-existand blood had been furiously pumping throughout my body. "Boss, are you alright? You seem angry at-" I banged in the table and stood up. "I let him get away.. I WONT LET THAT HAPPEN AGAIN, DAMNIT!" I stormed off, knowing dust and horror'll clean up and everyone else would come follow me for a new plan. What should I do, if he escapes again? Trap him. That'll do it! "Cross" I turned around, noticing he was ready for anything. "Yes sir?" I look at the remaining crew members, and decided a better plan.

Dream's pov:

Ink and I were discussing a few minor things, that had worried us. "Oh, also ink! What if nightmare takes you again? What do we do when it happens again?" I was so worried incase my brother tried to take one of my best friends away. he knew I used to like ink, and he went in for it. "I don't understand, ink.." I muttered, having ink look at me in question. "oh, nothing ink! I'm just rambling" I sat down, watching ink smile and walk to the kettle. The sudden negativity from the days before had came back, and I instantly jumped up. "STARS!" I equipped my bow, and had swap protect ink on my left. "What's this for..?" ink had fallen quiet. After a few minutes of waiting for the negativity to wear off, we turned around and ink was gone. "AGAIN?!" I had small frustration building up.

Ink's pov(once more):

The king had taken me again, but this time it was in a bar. "Ink! Over here!" Lust was always happy to see me. me and lust had a chat before he stared at the octopus behind me. "What're you doing, hoe?" nightmare's voice had gotten a bit more aggressive, having lust in slight panic. "Well, such a nice greeting from you, octoPUSSY" The both of them just glared at each other. "SHIT! boss I'm so sorry i-" Cross had been noticed by nightmare in the showdown between him and lust. "Why're aren't you in the castle, cross? your meant to-" I interrupted. "Jeez, no wonder everyone talks so much shit about you! Your such a pushover. Let them have their fun!" I winked at lust, as he was putting chalk on his hands and legs to go back on the pole. "Thanks, ink" Cross smiled, as him and lust went off to the show stage. I pulled nm by the tentacle over to the bar, where a human was working. "Wh-what can I do for you..m-mr nightmare..?" The human stuttered in fear, of seeing the king in such a foul mood. "A shot of tequila please, and a pint of strawberry wine" The king sat beside me, as I ordered. "How'd you know what I wanted?" His mood was lifted.
"It was a pure guess." He put his tentacles down to rest on the floor. "H-here's your drinks s-sir nightmare.." The human quickly scuttled away, and I sigh. "Why're you in a bar like this, king?" I teased him by calling him what he hated. "Don't fucking call me that, swine. I tend to come here to visit an...old friend" I rotate around on the swivel chair i was on, and noticed the whole lot of nightmares squad watching. "Are they also meant to be here, your majesty?" He quickly turned and he saw them run off. "YOU LITTLE SHITS!" he was about to get up to chase them. I was going to stop him but decided not to. He ran off to catch them, as I opened my phone to notice swap calling me, and I answered to here him and dream relieved.

The phone call..

S- INK! Where have you been taken this time!?

I- I'm in the bar just up from our castle! I was chilling with lust and-


I- Wait-

End of call...

Well shit, now everything's gonna go downhill. I got up and moved to one of the comfy sofa's with a big table, and I had myself some paint that the bartender had given me. "I'm glad he had a whole can for me, like I asked!" I had decided to nick a bottle of vodka, and mix it in with the paint. Nightmare had noticed I left the bad and went to the sofas, so he joined me . "You done chasing those hooligans?" His face shown a slight bit of a teal-cyan colour. we sat sipping at our drinks and sat closer to each other.

×Blood and paint× Inkmareحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن