🥀Chapter 1 . Bonjour (y/n)!🥀

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It was morning and the village located to the castle started to wake up. In the small house located at the end of the village a young girl with (h/c) (h/l) hair and her blue with white accents dress walked outside, smelling the morning breeze.


In our village, it is always quiet.
And something new that doesn't happen here.
In our village, all the people sing.
Always the same old song.

Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour!
There goes the baker with his bread as always.
He loses it even though it's old.
Everything is going as it should
In this remote place.
That's what sometimes annoys me.

(Good morning (y/n)!
Good morning Baker.
Where are you going?
To the bookstore, I just read such a wonderful story. About beanstalk and monster.
How nice, Mary the baguette. Hurry up!)

Look at her go that weird kid, so typical.
She's dreaming you see?
She often prefers to be alone.
Everyone finds it quite strange.
All people what a strange girl that (y/n).

Bonjour!  Hello!  Until 12 o'clock huh?
Bonjour! Hello! How is your wife?
I want six. It's expensive isn't it?
Does this have to go on for the rest of my life?

(Ah (y/n).
Good morning, I'm coming to return a book I borrowed.
Have you finished it yet?
Oh I couldn't get enough of it, do you have something new?
Haha, not since yesterday.
That's okay, I'll take..... This book!
That book?  But you already know that one!
But it is my favorite book. Distant lands, sword fights, wizards, the prince in disguise and...
If you love that book that much, keep it.
But Sir.
I insist!
Oh thank you, a thousand thanks.)

Look at her go, she is something different.
Is she completely healthy?
Or no one exists anymore.
She walks down the street reading.
Yes, that weird (y/n) makes it very furry.

Ohhhh isn't it surprising.
It's my favorite book because, look here.
She will get him someday.
But she doesn't know it's happening in Chapter 4 yet!

Her name tells us that she is very beautiful.
She is a real mademoiselle.
But people always find her a bit weird.
She's different from all of us, she doesn't act like all of us, she's different from all of us that (y/n).


Somewhere in the village a goose was shot. The person responsible for this was the hunk of the village; King Dice.

(Hehehe, every shot of yours hits the mark King Dice. You are the best fighter in the world.
I know.
Ha, you get every animal you want, hahaha, and every girl for that matter!
That's right...... And now I have my eye on that one over there.
The inventor's daughter?
Yes, exactly, she's lucky she gets to marry me.
Yes but she is...
The prettiest girl in the village.
I know, but how
She's just the best.  And don't I deserve the best there is?
Yes of course, I just mean- )


From the day I saw her talk like that.
I immediately went for the ax!
She's just as pretty as I am, I saw with my first glance!
So it won't be long before we get married in style.

Look at him, now go, isn't it a spatter?
Monsieur King Dice, oh what a piece.
My heart almost crashes.
Whoever marries him is very lucky.

Bonjour, hello, hello, hello.
You call this typical? I'm going.
I want, no that!  Sorry, hello, I want to join. Let me through.
Is this.

This has been going on all my life.
I'll marry (y/n) take it from me!

Look at her go so weird but nice girl.
A queer a mademoiselle.
No matter how beautiful she is, she still stands out from the crowd.
'Cause she's just a weird girl, a pretty but a weird girl,
she's a very strange girl, that (y/n)!


You walked further to your house until King Dice stopped in front of you. "Good morning (y/n)!" He grins while you keep reading. "Good morning Dice." You say keeping to read. King Dice snaps the book out of your hands, studying it. "Dice, may I please have my book back?" You ask getting annoyed. "How can you even read this? There's no pictures in it." He asks and you roll your eyes. "Well some people use their imagination!" You smile but King Dice drops the book in a puddle of dirty street water. "(Y/n), you shouldn't focus on those stupid books! In my opinion women aren't even supposed to read. They'll start thinking, while you should be focusing on something way more important!" He smirks once more. "And what would that be?" You ask cleaning the book with your apron. "Well, me of course!" He chuckles. "Never!" You yell as you speed walk back to your house. "Then maybe get some help for your father!" A small demon boy yells after you and they both start laughing. "My father isn't mad, so don't bully him like that!" You turn around getting angry now. "Yeah! Don't bully him like that!" King Dice says giving the demon a smack for the head. "In fact he's a genius inventor!" You huff, an explosion comes from your house. "Haha! Well if that's an inventor, he'll sure need a lot of help!" They both laugh while you rush inside...

🥀 End of Chapter 1...

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