🥀Chapter 2 . Meeting the Beast🥀

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You open the doors to the basement of your house, finding a lot of smoke and your dad. "Father, where are you?!" You cough, waving the smoke away. "THAT'S IT, I'M SENDING THIS THING TO THE DUMP!!" Your father yells in anger and you roll your eyes. "You always say that, but never do it." You say trying to calm him down. "But this time I will!" He says kicking the machine he's working on. "Oh, come on dad! Just look where the problem is, fix it and you can go to the fair winning the price of the best invention!" You encourage him. "Hmmm.." "And you'll be a famous inventor.." You whisper in his ear. "You really think so, (y/n)?" He asks smiling. You nod with a reassuring smile and he immediately starts working on the machine, and wonder by wonder it works! "Haha! It works, it really works!!" Your father cheers while he starts dancing around the basement.

You just waved your father goodbye for the week. You were inside the living room reading your book, until you heard a knock on the door. You took the spy equipment your father once installed to look who it was. It was King Dice... You gagged before groaning in annoyance, carefully opening the door. "(Y/N), my darling!" King Dice sang as he nonchalantly opened the door with much force. "A very good day to you too, King Dice." You say unamused by his sudden entrance. "(Y/n), today is a very lucky day for you!" He grins walking around the house, settling himself down on the chair you were just sitting on. "Oh, is it now?" You ask looking at the dirty floor from his muddy shoes. "Oh yes, my dear (y/n)! I'm getting married today." He smiles in triumph, kicking his shoes off and putting his sweaty feet on your book. You give a disgusted look. "Well, congratulations with that King Dice.. What exactly has that to do with you storming into my house?" You ask. "Well, YOU are my bride of course!" He grins at you and you freeze in your tracks. "Marrying you..?" You breath and he chuckles. "I can already see it; a haunting cottage, antlers on the walls, children playing with the hunting dogs... I was thinking about twelve!" He daydreams as you gain your body back. "Twelve hunting dogs you mean?" You ask as you grab your book back from the table. "Haha, no (y/n)! Twelve children~" He smirks as he pins you against the door, ready to kiss you... "How'd you like that~?" He purrs and you frantically seek for the doorknob. "That'd be.. dreamily King Dice, but..." You finally find the doorknob. "I'm afraid your time is over here, goodbye!" And with that you open the door, duck for his body to fall down the little front door stairs and close the door right after the fall.

As the wedding music starts playing the small demon boy from earlier today grabs his horns in pure fear, signing everyone to shut up. King Dice, laying in a big puddle of dirt slowly come up the surface with his dice head. "Ehehe.. D-did she say... uhhh... Y-yes..?" The demon boy nervously asks. He gets grabbed by the neck by a dirty gloved hand. "OF COURSE SHE DIDN'T!! DO I LOOK LIKE SHE SAID YES TO YOU??" He rages. "The party is over, but I'll still win (y/n)'s hand!" He storms off, the demon boy following shortly after.

You peek out your head and look at the chickens. "Is he gone?" You ask them and they just look at you. "Yeah, thought so.. But can you only imagine..." You sigh.


Madame Gaston
It's to scream!
Madame Gaston
His lovely wife
Oh no, I would
Not want something like that
I want to get out of here
From this provincial village

I want to experience something
In that wide world
That's the sweetest thing I want
And maybe there will come a time
That someone will understand me
I want more than them
That is the difference


As you were finished singing, you hear a horse calling for you. It's Philipe, your dad's horse! "Woah, Philipe! What's wrong? And where is father??" You ask as you look behind the horse. You saw the deep dark forest and your eyes widened in fear. "Philipe, let's go!" You commanded as you jumped on the horse, signing it to go forward.

You carefully walked through the forest, being a little scared such as Philipe. You soon encounter a large castle, the gate was open... You saw a hat laying in front of the gate and picked it up. "That's father's hat!" You gasped as you ran up the main gate of the castle. "Please let me in, my father is in there!" You yelled and the door opened instantly. You rushed in to find your father and roamed through the castle. You heard shuffling and looked around. "F-father.. Was that you..?" You ask but you didn't get an answer. You looked up at the fireplace and saw a painting above it. Since there was no fire, you grabbed a candlestick to illuminate the painting. You gasped and saw a boy with a mug for a head, screaming in terror. You ran up the stairs still holding onto the candlestick, you didn't know however that you were followed... You entered a dark room, little plucks of hay laying everywhere around the room.

"Father..?" You whispered and heard shuffling from a corner. "(Y/n)..?" You heard your dad's voice call. "Oh father, I found you!" You cried running to him, grabbing his hands. "Oh, you're really cold and sick! I have to get you out of here!" You say looking for a way to get your father out of his cell. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!!" A loud and demonic voice called from the dark. You can only make out two yellow with red dots eyes out, for the rest.. Nothing much, just a barely visible silhouette. "W-who are you??" You ask in fear. "I'm the lord of this castle, and you and your father are not welcome here! That's why he's my prisoner." The voice called. "But he's sick, you have to let him out!" You try. "Then he should've never come here in the first place!" The voice roars and the creature moves his place. "Please.. there must be something I can do to let him go?" You plead but he shakes his head. "There's nothing you can do..." He huffs and you think. "Then.. Then I'll go in his place!" You say. "No (y/n), I cannot let you do this!" Your father yells. "You... Want to go in his place..?" The creature asks. "If I do.. Will you let him go?" "Yes! But you'll have to stay here forever." The creature says. You pause for a moment... "Can you come into the light?" You ask and the creature sighs. As he slowly moves into the light of the moon, you can make out a boy with a cup for a head, magenta-pink accents and sharp teeth. His eyes are still glowing... You gasp in terror and fall on the ground to hold your father's hands again. "No (y/n), I'm an old man and I don't have much more time to live! Please you don't have to do this!" Your father once more tries but you stand up and walk over to the creature, know as... Sir Cuphead... Feared by everyone in town...

"You have my word." "Good!!"

🥀End of Chapter 2...

🥀Beauty and the Beast ♥️ Cuphead x Reader🥀Where stories live. Discover now