🥀Chapter 8 . A fairytale wedding🥀

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The forest was beautifully decorated with white lints, lanterns and roses. The pathway to the isle was decorated with metal beige painted chairs, with light pink cushions on them, accented with decorating flowers (also roses). Everyone was in their places: family, friends, citizens and famous people. Cuphead, dressed in his best clothes, was standing on the isle, waiting for his soon-to-be-wife to arrive at him...


"For goodness sake Cala Maria, keep your hair in restrain! Hilda don't throw with the vases at her, those are expensive! KING DICE I DONT CARE IF YOU DIED JUST HALPPPP!!" Author-Chan was trying to keep everyone calm so they could finish (y/n)'s hair, but the chaos took the best of everyone so now all there's left is... A mess...

"This wedding is going to be a flop, isn't it..?" (Y/n) asked and everyone falls silent by her words. "No, of course not sweetheart!" "We are just a bit nervous, is all!" "But.. It's almost time for me to go on to the isle and I'm still not ready..." She stammers, tearing up a little. "My very first wedding and it's falling into the mud.." She sniffs and Author-Chan gives her a hug. "Hey, hey don't cry yet! We still have 10 minutes to get this hair of you done, should be enough!" She smiles warmly while Hilda wipes the forming tears away. "Yeah, if we work together we can make it in 5!" Hilda says confidently and (y/n) giggles at her personality switch. "Okay.. let's get this beast tamed!" She smirks.


"Cuphead, chill. I just got a message from the Author saying they're almost done. She's just really nervous just like you." Mugman tries to keep his brother calm. Dear sweet Cuphead was having a panic attack which grew bigger every 30 seconds. Apparently doing (y/n)'s hair took a bit longer than expected, so now they're 3 minutes late, but nobody seemed to have a problem with that. "Can you let me see the message so I know you're telling the truth??" Cuphead pleaded and Mugman shrugs. "Here, you happy?" He asks in a dead serious tone. "Yeah.. Maybe you should stand on your place.." Cuphead mutters whipping the sweat off his forehead. "Alright then. I'll be in my spot if you need me!" Mugman smiles as he leaves to his spot behind the curtains.

Eventually everything turned out fine in the end. Cuphead was now standing calmly on the isle and you were waiting behind the white curtains between the trees of the forest. The tune started playing and everyone stood up, to see you in your beautiful dress and walk over to your soon-to-be-husband... Mugman stepped forward and offered you his arm which you accepted of course. Since there was no-one else to give you away to Cuphead, Mugman did it- You were so nervous and almost tripped over your own feet while walking over to the isle. Cuphead was feeling the nerves too and gulped at the sight of you in your dress.

Once you finally reached the isle, Mugman let you go and you took Cuphead's hands. The priest from the church was there to wed you two. "Ah, such a lovely sight to see such young souls happily together.." He says in awe and opens his book, readjusting his small glasses.

"Ahem! Today is a blissful day, because we're going to see these two young souls happily marry each other. Now, let's see.. Where is that- Ah yes! Cuphead, do you take (y/n) (l/n) to be your wedded wife, love her till the day you die and care for her as far as it takes? What would be your answer?" The priest asks Cuphead, who looks happily into your eyes. "Yes.. Yes I do..!"

"And do you, (y/n) (l/n) take Cuphead to be your wedded husband, love him until the day you die and care for him as far as it takes? What would be your answer?" He then asks you and with tears in your eyes, trying not to ruin your mascara you whisper a soft "Yes, I do..!" And everyone softly gasps in excitement.

"Very well then.. If there is anyone who'd like to object to this wedding then do it now!" The priest announces. The Devil wanted to pull a prank but Henchman stopped him.

"Nobody? Welp, with the power given to me from God... I now present you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!" The priest announces happily and Cuphead leaned into you, holding your waist and as you grabbed his head you both kissed passionately. Everyone was cheering loudly as Cuphead scooped you up in bridal style.


"And that's how me and your father came together!" You finished as both your children sighed in awe at your story. "That sound like a fairy tale mom! We all know that it's not true." Your oldest says but the youngest gasps loudly. "You meanie! Of course it's a true story!" They protest and you giggle.

"Now no more fighting you two.. It's already late and you still have school tomorrow." You smile giving them both a kiss on the head. "Good night mummy..!" They both say in sync. "Good night my little sunbeams.." You whisper closing the door to their bedroom.

You turn around to see Cuphead standing behind you, smiling warmly at you with half lidded eyes. "Gosh my love.. You've such a wonderful voice to listen to...~" He says dreamily pulling you in for a kiss. Your lips connect softly and you wrap your arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss.

After 20 second you pull away and hold each other's hands, foreheads pressed against each other. "I'm so happy I married you..." He whispers, feeling the wedding ring on your finger. "Same for you dear.. A happy family..." You whisper back.

Downstairs the clock strikes 10:00pm and Cuphead kisses your forehead. "We should get some sleep.. Tomorrow's a very special day..~" He smiles and you nod. "Our 3rd anniversary..~" You grin happily. "Shall we drop the kids off at Mugman? Have a little fun?" He smirks picking you up while walking into the bedroom. "You want a third child??" You ask surprised. "Mhm.. I love the sound of little feet over the wooden floor so much... Brings back old memories.." He sighs dreamily.

"Oh gosh.." You giggle softly getting under the covers, same does Cuphead.

"Good night my love..." He whispers, kissing your ear softly. "Goodnight Cuppy.." You whisper back and you press your back against his chest, his arms wrapping protectively around your torso...


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