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The continuous sound of a phone ringing broke my thought, "Hello."

"We will like a progress report on your mission." The commission spoke.

"Dabi hasn't made contact after the event. If he does I'll make sure to inform you." The phone went silent.

It's been 2 weeks. 2 weeks since the accidents, 2 weeks since I last went to my agency, and 2 weeks since I last saw my Y/n.

She's out of critical condition and her chances of living have risen. But she shows no signs of waking. That's the part that scares me the most.

Tomorrow there gonna attempt to see if she can breathe enough oxygen to get her off of life support.

I shook off my feathers and put on my jacket. Today is the day. I'm gonna see her, I should bring flowers. And a card. And maybe some for her family. Yeah.

Crap. I stalled again, didn't I? I thought letting my feathers which were holding several bags.

It's now nighttime, 9 pm. I ended up buying 10 different types of roses. And 4 different cards. A total of 14 balloons. and 2 tubs of chicken. 7 chocolate bars that I've seen her eat. A bracelet. A tiny silver chain that I plan to put one of my feathers on. I got her a giant teddy. And to end my shopping trip I got her a new phone.

I need to see her. I'm going today, I'm coming right now. I send some of my feathers to grab the balloons, flowers, and a card. How stupid of me, she can't eat chocolate. I thought while opening one of the bars and taking a huge bite.

Okay, I'm ready to go.

Slowly I'm walking into the hospital, the one that Y/n is in. "Hello I'm here to visit Y/n

"Great timing, her brother just left." The nurse smiled. "She was moved into room 10."

"Okay." I shook my hands I can do this.

I stopped seeing the number 10 in front of me Y/n will wake up, She'll be okay. Its Y/n. I opened the door.

I felt sick, so uncomfortably sick when my gaze fell upon the girl that I was begging just 2 weeks ago to grab food with me.

Now she's here. A giant tube was down her throat, her left arm has a cast on it, she has a cloth over her forehead, and there were several bruises and scratches everywhere.

I took a deep breath walking closer to Y/n. "Hey, Y/n. Sorry, it took me a while to come to visit you. I've been busy."

"If you can hear me, just know how sorry I am. I should've not asked you to come, or I should've saved you. I'm so sorry." I grabbed her hand instantly letting it go once I felt the warm temperature. "Damn you're hot."

"Wait no. I didn't mean it like that. Your temperature. You have a high temperature. I'll go get a doctor."

"Wait I'm being stupid. You have a towel on your head they probably already know." I hit my forehead sitting back in the seat.

"When you get better I'll make sure this never happens again. Even if you don't want to be a hero anymore. I'll protect you."

"You know they charged me 7 dollars for a bucket of chicken the other day! It's usually six dollars that made me super mad."

I sat there for hours chatting about the past two weeks. How the commission expects way too much out of me and how I just want to relax all day. Mostly I talked about how much I missed her, and how important she was.

"I'm scared for tomorrow. I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight. I believe in you and I know you're strong but what if it's too early and you can't breathe? What if something goes wrong?"

"Please be okay. When you get better I promise I won't drop you when we go flying. I will also let you decide where we get lunch but not at that weird salad place."

"This lady Mrs. Grey has been asking questions about you. She pissed me off so much, how do you deal with that lady? She said "when can she start working again". She didn't even care that you were hurt." I rolled my eyes.

"These elderly people think it's okay to rule over our lives. It's not fair."

I wonder if she's going through the same contract as me. If she's forced to follow someone's rules although she hates it.

"Tokoyami wants to help at the agency for a week. He says it's for a class grade. He's a funny kid, I want you to meet him."

I yawn stretching my wings out, "You know you are famous now. Someone tried to leak the video of you jumping in front of that kid but Endeavor quickly put an end to it. All the headlines are talking about how brave and strong you are." I faked a laugh. "I guess it's pretty selfish of me to wish you didn't jump in front of that kid huh?"

I let a feather fall to my fingers. I gently grabbed her hand, the non-broken one. I gave her the feather and closed her fist around it.

"See now I'll always be next to you." I brushed a piece of her hair off her face. "I'll feel it with just one squeeze."

"I have a business to tend to. Goodnight Y/n." I quietly left the room glaring at the time.

Dabi told me to meet up with him 30 minutes ago. And one thing about Dabi is that he hates people who are late.

I ran to the balcony and jumped off of it. Quickly flying to the area and in record time I get there.

"You're late." He says.

I laughed itching my neck "Sorry the annoying heroes wouldn't let me leave the stupid meeting. But I got intel."

"And that is?" He picked his nails staring at me.

"The heroes are grouping a team to kill Nomu's. If one's cited any hero can call the team. Then they can easily take it down."

"Those idiots. That will never work."

That's the reason I came up with that. No one should even attempt to fight a Nomu. They're too dangerous.

"Hey, do you know that hero? Oh yeah her name is Zero." Dabi said. My heart dropped, too nervous to even think of a reasonable response.

"Uh yeah. Didn't she get hurt during the Nomu incident?" I awkwardly laughed. "Why, you know her?"

"No, I was just wondering. Doesn't she work at your agency?"

No. I can't let him get her. Please say no Keigo. Tell him a lie. Risk everything.

"She— she does," I say. "Why do you want me to recruit her?" I can't sound too suspicious. Since I already stuttered he knows that something's up.

"No. Like I said before I was just wondering." He repeated. "Let's go."

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