The Amazement Moon Amusement Park! Part 5 🎡🎢🎠

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In outer space hanazuki, kiazuki, kiyoshi, and maroshi finally made it to the the amazement moon amusement park, kiazuki was flying her spacesurfer towards the big colorful rainbow orb moon plant, and hanazuki, kiyoshi, and maroshi were gazing at the wonderful rainbow moon through the glassdoor in awe. As hanazuki saw something behind the moon roller coaster, it's a white glows up moon ferris wheel with colors in each other seats and they've got glowing neon rainbow in the spokes and it's lights up at night, and hanazuki see the moon creatures were rolling along over by moon ferris wheel and they are having fun on this ride, and that made hanazuki eyes wide open with an excitement and she wants to go on that ride with her moonflower friends before she turns to kiazuki and asks her about if they can go on it.
Hanazuki:Hey, kiazuki! Check out this big cool wheel, can we go on it when we get over there?
Kiazuki:Wheel? What wheel?
Hanazuki:That wheel! Look!
When hanazuki points her finger on the glassdoor to show kiazuki to the ferris wheel, kiyoshi and maroshi looks at the moon ferris wheel and they're amused when they see how big the wheel is and they heard the moon creature were laughing and they enjoyed the ride, and that's made kiyoshi and maroshi smiled with amazement and they started to want to go on that Ferris wheel.
Kiyoshi:It's amazing!
Maroshi:It's radical!
Hanazuki:I know! Is it great? Can you imagine how much fun of we're gonna have, when we getting to ride it?
Kiyoshi:Yeah. It's great and all, but we don't know what that wheel is
Hanazuki:Of course we do, kiyoshi. I mean it's pretty big, but everyone is having fun on it! Isn't that cool?
Kiyoshi:It just we haven't been on this moon before and we don't kinds of things in there. Sure it have rides, games, food and drinks, and everything. But we have no idea what's really on that moon, hanazuki!
Kiazuki:Kiyoshi's right. We need to be careful on what were up against!
Hanazuki:Guys, come on! It's not gonna hurt us or anything, we're just going to have fun as moonflower family!
Kiazuki:Hanazuki, I don't think you understand how much danger this place is. And I don't know if I'm going to like it
Hanazuki:Kiazuki, how could this moon be so dangerous to you and kiyoshi? Besides I thought you two are gonna relax and fun
Kiyoshi:We are, hanazuki. But I'm just a little worried about all the strange rides that moon have...
Hanazuki:It's okay, kiyoshi. Besides I bet they have some seatbelts in those rides to protect us
Kiyoshi:You really think so?
Hanazuki:I know so!
Maroshi:Relax, dude! There's nothing bad gonna happen to us, we'll be playing some awesome games and win prizes and we'll be chilling out on the coolest rides, and it'll be the best day ever!
Hanazuki:You said it, maroshi!
Kiyoshi:Don't you think so, kiazuki?
Kiazuki:But I still don't know about this
Hanazuki:We'll be fine, kiazuki. Will just watch each other's back for make sure nothing's going to happen to us or hurt us in this moon
Kiyoshi:We will!
Kiazuki: *sighing* Okay. Fine. But one, one single thing is super scary or dangerous to me or anyone of you guys gets caught or maybe taking us away from us. We're leaving outta take moon! Forever! You got that?!
Kiyoshi:Sure thing, kz!
Maroshi:Got it, dude!
As kiazuki arrived in the amazement moon amusement park, the others see there's a million of moon parking lots and different kinds of spacesurfers the sizes of big and small, and that made the moonflowers confused on why they're so many spacesurfers in theses strange white paint on the ground.
Hanazuki:Woah. There's so many spacesurfers, just like ours!
Kiyoshi:But what is that white stuffed on the ground?
Maroshi:I don't know, bro. But those spacesurfers are in them
When hanazuki notices there's a big pink with green polka dots spacesurfer was just arrived at the amazement moon amusement park and it was landing one of those moon park lots, and that made hanazuki realize that the white paint stuff was meant for kiazuki's spacesurfer was to land on them, while hanazuki explains the kiazuki, kiyoshi, and maroshi about the moon parking lots is.
Hanazuki:Guy's! I'd figure it out! I know what that white stuff is!
Kiazuki:Tell us!
Hanazuki:I think the white stuff was meant for the spacesurfer!
Kiyoshi:What do you mean, hz?
Hanazuki:Well, I realized that amazement moon amusement park put those white stuff in the ground for someone spacesurfers to land on, and we were suppose to landed the spacesurfer onto them!
Kiyoshi:Okay. But how do we find the white stuff to landed in the ground?
Hanazuki:Maybe we could search for one?
Kiazuki:How are we going to search for one where there's a million of spacesurfers in the white stuff, hanazuki?!
Hanazuki:We've have to try! It's probably another if you find it, kiazuki
As kiazuki zooms her spacesurfer through the air and starts searching for a parking spot to landed on the ground. Kiazuki flies all around the moon to find the parking spot in but there was too many spacesurfers were in there, hanazuki, kiazuki, kiyoshi, and maroshi kept searching to find a parking spot but they didn't find anything but spacesurfers, the others were about to give up until hanazuki spotted something on the ground and see a parking spot right between the spacesurfers, and hanazuki gasped when finds a parking spot and she turns to the others and tells them that she founded a parking spot.
Hanazuki:Guy's! Guy's! I've found one!
As hanazuki points her finger through the glassdoor to show kiazuki, kiyoshi, and maroshi to the Parkin spot, when kiazuki saw the parking spot in between those spacesurfers she quickly turned her spacesurfer around then she rushes over to it, and she got there she lands the spacesurfer onto the parking spot and when she did kiazuki sighs in relief that she made it to the parking spot while the others sighs in relief too.
Kiazuki:Ah, we made it!
Kiyoshi:Thank goodness!
Hanazuki:Now that we've landed on the white stuff, let's go over to the amazement moon amusement park!
Maroshi:Right on, dude!
When kiazuki turns off her spacesurfer and opens up the glassdoor so her and the others could get out, when she did hanazuki, kiyoshi, maroshi, and kiazuki jumps out of the spacesurfer and they landed on the ground with their feet's, and they were walking right over to the amazement moon amusement park place while kiazuki left the glassdoor opened. As the moonflowers were walking they notices some other moon creatures from different moons and planets was alway getting outta of their spacesurfers and walking towards the amazement moon amusement park place with their red moon tickets in their hands, and that made them curious about the moon creatures was just arrived at this moon and they have their own red moon tickets from the amazement moon amusement park, while hanazuki goes up to a male moon creature with blue fur, white claws, long tail with green pointy spikes on it, and a short orange hair on his head. And hanazuki asked him about did he just got into this moon and gets some tickets from the amazement moon amusement park people.
Hanazuki:Hey? Did you got some tickets from the amazement moon amusement park and you came all this way to cross of the galaxies to get to their moon?
Fuzzy blue creature:Yes, yes I did! How did you know about that?
Hanazuki:Cause my friend maroshi just got these tickets from them, and me and my friends already arrived at this place!
Fuzzy blue creature:Well good for you, little one!
Hanazuki: *chucking* Thanks!
As hanazuki and the fuzzy blue creature goes back over to their friends and when they did everyone continues on walking down over to the amazement moon amusement park place, when they approached it all they can see there was a big moon gray walls all around the amusement park place and there's a big moon yellow tall fenced right between the walls, and everyone was confused on why there's a wall all over the amazement moon amusement park and somebody was about to speak on why's there a wall there. Then suddenly there were two moon stage lights top of the walls and the lights were flashing everyone's faces to get their attention as they all covered up their face from the lights.
Hanazuki:What the...?
Kiazuki:What's going on?
Hanazuki:I don't know, kiazuki
While everyone were muttering and whispering to each other on what's going on, until suddenly they heard a men's voice from somewhere and that's make everyone even confused and they wanna now where's that voice's coming from.
Men's voice:Ladies and gentleman's! You all might be wondering why did someone send you these moon tickets to this moon. Some of you did or did you not heard of a magical place, where you can ride wonderful and thrilling rides, where you can go play prizes and can win any stuff toys you want to even the cute ones, and you can enjoy your friends and family amazing time at the...THE AMAZEMENT MOON AMUSEMENT PARK!!
Suddenly somebody threw moon black smoke bombs onto the ground as it caused a big fumes and smoke around the crowd, and everyone close their eyes and coughing from all the smoke and fumes. As everyone stop coughing after the fumes and smoke were starting to going away and they all opened their eyes up, and they all gasped in surprise when the fumes and smoke to reveal of a tall talking sassy and mischievous ringmaster cat was named simon, he's seven eleven inches long, he has a orange fur with white stripes on it, he got a long tail, he was wearing a red moon long sleeve jacket with a long white sleeve shirt underneath the jacket, and he's got a black moon bow tie in his shirt collar, he has a black long pants and he's wearing a black smooth moon leather shoes, and he had a tall top hat with a red string on his head and he had a gold moon cane in his hand, while simon the mysterious talking cat was standing on a wooden box and he genuinely smirked to the crowds before he speaks to them.
Simon:Hello and welcome to my amazing moon, everyone!
Hanazuki:Who are you?
Simon:I am simon! The talking moon cat, the ringmaster of the circus, and I'm in charge of this moon!
When simon introduced himself to the crowd, hanazuki, kiazuki, kiyoshi, and maroshi runs up to the ringmaster for asking him questions about him and the amusement park, when they did simon notices they're some moon children with flowers on their heads and before simon can say anything about those flowers children, the moonflowers starts asking questions when they interrupted him.
Hanazuki:Hiya, simon! I'm hanazuki! This is my moonflower sister, kiazuki! And these are my two best friends, kiyoshi and maroshi! We were just arrived at your moon, and it's amazing in here! And did you really send us this moon tickets to our moon?
Kiazuki:What did you really do on this moon? Are you really in charge of this moon, simon?
Kiyoshi:What kind tips of rides do you have? A-Aren't there a-any safe ones?
Maroshi:Do you dudes have any cool snacks and drinks in here, bro?
Simon:Yes I did send the tickets to everyone around their moon, me and my workers rebuilt the rides just in case they're not good enough and I am really in charge of the place. Well, we do got some thrilling rides! The booster, the balloon race, the bumper cars, the carousel, the caterpillar, the cliffhanger, the ferris wheel, the fireball, the gravitron, the jump and smile, the music express, the pirate ship, the rainbow, the roller coaster, the round up, the skydiver, the space shot, and of course the star flyer! And maybe we got some other safe rides. And we've got tons of food and drinks for everyone in these moon!
Hanazuki:Woah! And the ferris wheel, sir? Is that the big wheel of the amazement moon amusement park?!
Simon:Yes, indeed little moon flower child!
Kiazuki:Moonflowers, we're moonflowers!
Hanazuki:Guys, come on! Let's get in there and go on some rides!
When the others tries to goes into the amazement moon amusement park, but simon held them back with his gold moon cane and he pushed them onto the ground. After they landed the ground on their butts, they all look up to simon with a confused and angry look on their faces.
Hanazuki:Hey! What's the big deal, simon, aren't you gonna let us into the amazement moon amusement park?
Simon:Oh certainly, young flower girl!
Simon:Whatever...I would let you and your flowers friends in my amazement moon amusement park
Simon:But if you four want to come in, you have to give me the tickets first
Maroshi:Tickets? What tickets?
Simon:The tickets that I've gave you. On your moon, it was the red message meter orb, the tickets were inside of them.
Maroshi:Oh, right! Those tickets! I totally forgot about that!
Simon:If you or do not have not have the tickets to my amazement moon amusement park. Then I guess I have to kick you four flower children outta my moon!
Hanazuki:Wait! Maroshi haves them! It's in his pockets. Maroshi, show him!
As maroshi dug his hand into his pocket to take out the four moon red tickets what's inside of it. When maroshi pulls them out, he goes up to simon and reveals the moon red tickets in his hand, and that made simon's frown into a smile and he took the tickets out of maroshi's hand, while he turned to the moonflowers.
Simon:Oh, so you flower children were telling the truth!
Kiazuki:Yes, we are telling the truth, you gave us these tickets remember? And were moonflowers!
Simon:Well, I didn't think you kids would show up and didn't bring nothing to you. But I must say you did have something special to you children, so as your reward I give you flower children these...moon golden tickets!
Simon grabbed something from his pocket and he took out a four long moon golden tickets and he passed it out on hanazuki, kiazuki, kiyoshi, and maroshi's hand. After simon passed the golden tickets to the moonflowers, the others looked down on their hands and see there's a long nineteen golden tickets and they all looked back at simon with a confused face and they asked what they are.
Hanazuki:Um, simon? What are these tickets?
Kiazuki:They're not going to get in our way into the amusement park, are they?
Simon:No flower child. They're just our golden tickets, for you can get into rides and go play games all you kids want to!
Hanazuki:Wow! Thank you, simon!
Simon:Your welcome, flower child!
Hanazuki:It's hanazuki
Simon:Yeah, whatever. Now go have some fun at the amazement moon amusement park!
As simon opened up the moon yellow tall fence for the others, and when the fence was opened the moonflowers gasped when they all see they're a bunch of moon creatures were walking and running around at the amazement moon amusement park, and they were enjoying their themselves on some great thrilling rides, winning some prizes, and eating some moon popcorn, corndog, cotton candy, candy, and they were drinking some snow cones and soda. And hanazuki, kiazuki, kiyoshi, and maroshi's jaws dropped when they were staring at the place, while simon walks up to them, he leans down to hanazuki's ear and he whispers to her.
Simon: *whispering* Now go on, have some fun with your family, flower child
After simon whispers to hanazuki's ear, hanazuki shook her head when she snaps out of her eye gazing at the amusement park, she turns her head around and saw simon was taking the moon red tickets to the moon creatures and replacing them with some long golden tickets for them. As hanazuki turns back to her moonflower family and she notices that they still were gazing at the place, and hanazuki smiles at them and she took their hands and that caused them to snapped out of their eye gazing.
Hanazuki:Come on guys! What are we waiting for? Let's go have some fun at this awesome place!
As hanazuki laughs and she dragging kiazuki, kiyoshi, and maroshi into the amusement park and the others take out their hands out from hanazuki, and the moonflower runs inside of the amazement moon amusement park and as they started to going to have a great time at this moon together as a moonflower family.

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