Hanazuki's moon Xmas holiday! Day seventeen:The delightful candy candies!

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In hanazuki's moon after hanazuki and her moonflower friend's got their unknown unexpected moon christmas list gift's from their pet's, today on moon december seventeen it was the afternoon the weather is getting a bit chilly and everybody is wearing something warm for this winter time, inside of kiyoshi's room kiyoshi was cutting off a piece of drawing of himself and he was only cutting up his face by the page, after he's done cutting he picked up the small paper and carefully puts it inside of the heart locket necklace. When he did kiyoshi closes up the heart locket necklace and stares at the locket for a moment, kiyoshi wants a heart locket because he want's to give's it to hanazuki and show's how much he really loves her inside and outside of himself, he really wants to tell her so bad and long but if only he have's the courage to do it and he's not going to do it now he's need a little more time to do it right. Kiyoshi just wish he didn't have fear inside of his shy body, then suddenly kiyoshi notices kiazuki was standing in front of his bedroom door and he wasn't expecting her to show up in his room, before kiazuki makes herself way to the room and goes over to kiyoshi.
Kiazuki:So kiyoshi? Whatta working on?
Kiyoshi:Nothing kiazuki. It's not none of your business!
Kiazuki:Uh, it is part of my business, kiyoshi. Aren't you forgetting that I'm part of your little secret?
Kiyoshi:Tch. Barely
Kiazuki:Are you still mad about the 'secret incident'? 'Cause it so, I was just telling them a little bit
Kiyoshi:A little bit? Kiazuki, you nearly telling them my whole truth about my secret crush!
Kiazuki:I said a little bit. And besides I was only giving them hint's
Kiyoshi:Hint's? Hint's on what?!
Kiazuki:Like someone who inspired you to be brave and fight back to twisted, someone who taught you how to grown your own first treasure tree, someone who helps you on thing's that you're struggling or going through a tough time. And that someone is?
Kiazuki:Exactly. Now you can't just stand in your room all day and locking yourself up so you'd write on your journal to tell it your true feelings on my moonflower sister. You have to express your really feeling's to her not run away like a little baby!
Kiyoshi:I know, kiazuki, but don't rush me! I'm need more time to have the courage to tell her yet!
Kiazuki:Well, time isn't good enough for love, kiyoshi. You have to get yourself together for this, because you've crushing on hanazuki for four month's, and you haven't even ask her out or do something so romantic for her
Kiyoshi:I know, I know, kiazuki. But you have to take your time and give me some space. I need to get ready for the love confession to make
Kiazuki:The love confession? You're going to admit your love to hanazuki?
Kiazuki:So kiyoshi. When are you going to do it?
Kiyoshi:Tonight. On moon christmas day...
Kiazuki:A week? Pssft well that's seem's obvious. You only have one week to make yourself ready for hanazuki
Kiyoshi:That's what I'm doing, kiazuki. And there's one last thing that I've have to do for my love...
Kiazuki:What is it?
Kiyoshi got off up from his chair and walked toward's to kiazuki, when he did kiyoshi show's kiazuki what he's been hiding from her and the other's, kiazuki beads her head down to what is kiyoshi is holding something in his hand, when kiyoshi unveiled his hand's and kiazuki's face changed and she gasped a little of what she was seeing. It was same moon heart locket necklace since kiyoshi got it from yesterday and now it's in his palm, the beautiful heart locket necklace is made of sleepy unicorn's magic the chain and the locket is silver gold, the red ruby gemstone is in the front of the outside of the heart shape locket, and kiyoshi's signature was in the back of the locket with an k on it. Kiazuki was impressed and surprised by seeing the locket and looks back at kiyoshi and guessing that best way to give something special to her moonflower sister, before kiyoshi gave's kiazuki a smirk on his face.
Kiyoshi:Amazing right? It a heart locket, it's where I can give to hanazuki on day of moon christmas day
Kiazuki:So a love necklace can make hanazuki feel happy? Even if you confess your love to her
Kiyoshi:It's not like that kiazuki. I could put it on hanazuki's neck and she shows how much she'd love me by wearing the necklace of all time. Look, I even but a picture of a drawing of myself so hanazuki stared at me forever...
Kiazuki:Wow. So that's how you'll your love to hanazuki?
Kiyoshi:It's the best that I can come up with! Still I need more time to say that to her, kiazuki
Kiazuki:I guess so. I give a week to become a moonflower seed, to a moonflower plant!
Kiyoshi:Thank's kiazuki
Kiazuki:My pressure, kiyoshi
As kiazuki walks out of kiyoshi's room leaving kiyoshi alone to hide the beautiful heart locket necklace in his desk drawer and left his room to check on his friend's, when he did kiyoshi came up to living room and his favorite crush hanazuki was at the table with her hemka's, hanazuki was cutting out some paper's and turns them into snowflake paper's she was doing it so she can teach the hemka's how to make a snowflake. The hemka's were great at making the snowflake's but except red, blue, and orange hemka's they were struggling on making one, red hemka complaining about how hard he's been working on a paper snowflake and he kept's failing on making one, blue hemka give's up on making a snowflake and he had all the shattered paper's over the table while he cry for messing up all of his paper's, and orange hemka didn't listen to hanazuki on about making snowflake paper's instead of cutting the paper's orange draw a picture of himself with silly and wacky poses.
Hanazuki:Red, if stop complaining about you mess up with your paper's, maybe you'll get 'em right
Red hemka:Bet ia se hefb!/But it so hard!
Hanazuki:Then learn it from yellow and pink. I'm sure they'll help you make a better snowflake than this
Pink hemka:Yaeh, rad! Ieju ne!/Yeah, red! Join us!
Yellow hemka:Ia'll ba fau!/It'll be fun!
Red hemka:I haqo se/I hope so
Hanazuki:Blue, don't give up on something you've try your best to make it
Blue hemka: *sobbing* Bet I yeeq tejljug au weyjug e suemfleya, yayazuki!/But I keep failing on making snowflake, hanazuki!
Hanazuki:Then why won't you just let lavender and lime help you. I bet they can show you some moves to making a snowflake
Lavender hemka:Wa'll taoch yae au mekjug ane, dlna/We'll teach you on making one, blue
Lime green:Iesf ba ceratnl au tha scjrrars, dlna. Thay'ra e bjf waddly whau ye halb thaw/Just be careful on the scissors, blue. They're a bit wobbly when you hold them
Blue hemka: *sniffing* Akey.../Okay...
Hanazuki:And orange, we're not making drawings, we're making snowflakes
Orange hemka:Ralley? I thenght wa'ar mekjug ert, yayazuki/Really? I thought we are making art, hanazuki
Hanazuki:We are, orange, but you just listen more than usual. But no biggies! We could try to make a snowflake if you want, we got tone of paper
Orange hemka:Thet's akay, yayazuki. I den't went to de e suemfleka, I went ta drem!/That's okay, hanazuki. I don't want to do a snowflake, I want to draw!
Kiyoshi chuckles at hanazuki is bonding with her hemka's he makes her way to them, just then hanazuki notices that kiyoshi was coming up to her and she was happy to see him at the right time, before kiyoshi got there and waving to her and the other's.
Kiyoshi:Hiya, hanazuki! Am I interrupting something or...
Hanazuki:No, at all, kiyoshi. I just giving my hemka's a break from making snowflake's
Kiyoshi:Snowflake's? Woah, that's pretty cool. Can I sit here?
Hanazuki:Of course! Hemka's go! It's break time!
The hemka's:Ak, yayazuki!/Ok, hanazuki
Kiyoshi:So how's it hanging?
Hanazuki:Not much, kiyoshi, the hemka's wanna to teach them how to make a snowflake. So I did
Kiazuki:You must been a good teacher to them
Hanazuki:I know right. So anyway I never question you about your secret meier
Kiyoshi:My what?
Hanazuki:Your secret meier. Kiazuki told us two days ago
Kiyoshi:Oh, yeah. Forgot about that. It just...slipped my mind
Hanazuki:I've been thinking, since I knew you're secret you never told me about this person you love. What's her name? What all kind of things you like about her?
Kiyoshi:Well I like her the way she is. She's smart, funny, cute, brave, talent, love to make me smile and laugh all the time. And even she inspired me to be brave and fight back whatever is coming to us
Hanazuki:Wow, I bet she sounds...
But before hanazuki would finish her sentence, someone who's break's into the room covered up in snow, hanazuki and kiyoshi turns their heads around to see but only to see to recognize a hot dog, it was doughy bunington who was coming outta of the winter cold and went inside of the house to warm up , before hanazuki and kiyoshi ran up to doughy and take the snow off his body.
Doughy:Oh, hi hanazuki! Hi kiyoshi!
Hanazuki:What are you doing outside of the snow, doughy? You know it's cold out here
Doughy:I know, hanazuki, but came by to the other side and I want to try these
Kiyoshi:Try what?
Doughy:Moon candy canes!
Hanazuki:Whoah! They're look amazing!
Doughy:I bake little guy's from the dark side and I was hoping you like it after you'll eat it
Hanazuki:Of course we try one of your...what you call it?
Doughy:Candy cane's!
As hanazuki and kiyoshi took one of the moon candy canes from doughy's tray when they put them in their mouth and their eye's was full of joy and pressures from the candy canes that they were eating, they taste sweet frosting peppermint in the taste buds and doughy saw their face's and he think they don't like his homemade candy cane's.
Doughy:You two don't like it?...
Hanazuki:Doughy...they're...an incredible!
Kiyoshi:It's the marvelous thing I've ever tasted it my whole entire life!
Hanazuki:What did you made in it?
Doughy:Well, hanazuki, I made the candy cane's with all my love and heart
Hanazuki:Well I'm sure everybody would love your moon candy cane's
Doughy:Oh joy! So when are they coming back?
Kiyoshi:About a minute. Come on, let's go eat some candy canes and save them before the others get back
Hanazuki, kiyoshi, and doughy enter's the moon kitchen goes over to the counter so doughy can settle his candy canes in there, when he did they sat down on some chair and took the candy canes and they began to eat while they're waiting on their friends to get back and let the others enjoy this pepper candy canes on moon december.

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