Hanazuki's moon Xmas holiday! Day eleven:The season to baking again! 🍪

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In hanazuki's moon after kiyoshi agree to help out his friend hanazuki and promise her he'll stay with without moving or walking away from her because he's shy and nervous around her, today's moon december eleven the snow has stopped raining heavily and it's started to snow easy inside of hanazuki's room kiazuki, maroshi, and miyumi are here at their home and seeing a very anxious kiyoshi walking back and forth, kiyoshi was so nervous about spending the whole day with hanazuki he was glowing lime, he breathed deeply, and he couldn't stopped thinking about the lies that he and kiazuki have say to hanazuki. Kiazuki told her moonflower sister hanazuki that kiyoshi was a master of a moonflower baker just like that, now kiyoshi have to spend day not knowing what to do or what to say if hanazuki finds out the truth.
Kiyoshi:Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man! I can't believe I've to spend the whole an entire day with hanazuki!
Maroshi:Relax, bro. You'll be fine, it's not anything to be worried about
Kiyoshi:Oh it is maroshi! Hanazuki think's that I'm a bad friend and doesn't want to hang out with her anymore. So I made a promise to her that I always stay with no matter what!
Miyumi:So what's the big deal? It not like you could've ruined our whole friendship with her, boy
Kiyoshi:And it's not only the bad part, last night kiazuki have told hanazuki that I'm some big moonflower chief master of this moon!
Kiazuki:I had to or otherwise you and her will never be together in the future. If you know what I'm mean
Miyumi:What does she means 'together in the future'?
Maroshi:I dunno
Kiyoshi:I already patched things up with our friendship. You don't have to lie for our sister for me!
Kiazuki:Well how else am I going to bring you back to together, mr scary cat?!
Kiyoshi:Well, kiazuki. Maybe you should've been-?!
Kiyoshi was cut off by the sound of the door opening up for someone, when kiyoshi turns around to see who it was and he gasped as he saw who it was, it's hanazuki was coming inside of her home and holding the moon recipe cook book from her hand after she went the cold outside and asks her dear pal sleepy unicorn to fixed the the cook book so her and kiyoshi can baked the moon christmas cookies with it, and so sleepy did fix the book with his magic and the book is repair from him. After hanazuki came back she smiled at kiyoshi and ran up to him, kiyoshi quickly stopped glowing lime green and tried to come himself down before hanazuki comes up to him close to his face.
Hanazuki:Hi, kiyoshi! I'm so glad you here!
Kiyoshi:A-And I'm g-glad you-you're here too, h-hanazuki!
Hanazuki:Uh, kiyoshi are you okay? You sound nervous about something
Kiyoshi:Wha? No! I-I'm not me-nervous!
Hanazuki:Cause I saw you in lime green since I've walk back to my room
Kiyoshi:O-Oh...t-that because I'm worried about the cook book won't help us finding the ingredients for the recipe's for our daily moon christmas cookies!
Hanazuki:Well, worry no more! Caused I just came by to sleepy unicorn and I asked him to fix the moon recipe cook book for us! And guess what, he did! The recipe cook book is fix that means we can use it for the moon christmas cookies!
Kiyoshi:Oh, yay! That's great...
Kiazuki:Anyway you guys, we should leave the two couples alone for their alone time
Maroshi:Alone time?
Miyumi:The two couple?
Kiyoshi:What kiazuki meant to say that you're all leave me and hz alone for we can making the cookies by ourselves!...
Kiazuki:Yeah, that's what I'd said. Alone together
Kiyoshi:D'okay it's time for three to go now, so go!
As kiyoshi pushed kiazuki, maroshi, and miyumi straight out of the door and after they were out kiyoshi lean's on the door and sighed in relief that his friends were out now, hanazuki and came up to kiyoshi and asks him if he's ready now to baking.
Hanazuki:Are you ready to start baking, kiyoshi?
Kiyoshi:Oh, yeah, hanaz!
Before kiyoshi get off the door, the door suddenly opened by itself and it made kiyoshi fall on top of hanazuki's body, kiyoshi groan's and put his hands on the cold floor as he was about to pull up but then hanazuki's eye's opened up and she and kiyoshi stare at each other, hanazuki and kiyoshi looked into deep in their eye's and they can feel their bracelets glowed pink, before the two could do anything the moment have stopped when kiazuki comes up to them and tells the reason why'd she and the other's come back to the house.
Kiazuki:Sorry to interrupt from whatever you're doing. We just came to put on our coat's. Do you really think we'd survive the cold wind and stuff, kiyoshi?
Kiyoshi:Sorry, kiazuki
As kiyoshi got off from hanazuki and hanazuki got off the floor after their moment was ruined by kiazuki, after kiazuki and the other's winter coat's they've left the room and leaving kiyoshi and hanazuki alone this time, now hanazuki and kiyoshi can get started baking the moon christmas cookies. The two moonflower's went into the kitchen and wearing a moon chef apron and chef hat, hanazuki sat down some bowls, spoons, table spoons, teaspoons, cookie cutter's, the measuring cup, and the cookie tray on the counter. And kiyoshi put's the bag of flour, the bag of sugar, the gallons of milk, the carter of eggs, butter, and a sparkle jar and a candy coating jar on the counter too, hanazuki puts the recipe cook book on the wooden book stand and flips the page to the moon christmas moon cookie's. When she found the right page to it and starts reading the ingredients for the moon christmas cookie's, before she grabs the bowl and tells kiyoshi on what to give her so she can add it to the bowl.
Hanazuki:Okay, kiyoshi. I need you to get me sixteen one half two piece of butter
Kiyoshi:Oh right, two pieces of butter coming right up! Here you go
Hanazuki:No I said one half two butter, kiyoshi, not two
Hanazuki:It's fine. Anyway I need thirteen eggs
Kiyoshi:Thirteen eggs, that's alot
Kiyoshi:Tell me about it. I need milk three in a half four
When kiyoshi grabs the milk and opens it and he poured it into the measuring cup, kiyoshi didn't remember what hanazuki said about some three in a half four he was lost in thought hanazuki noticed that kiyoshi is pouring the whole in the measuring cup and the cup wouldn't hold this much milk, the milk have poured on the ground and hanazuki call's out kiyoshi and make's him snapped out of his trance.
Kiyoshi:Huh? What the-?!
After kiyoshi went back to reality he accidentally slipped on the slippery milk, and kiyoshi falls on it and leaving the measuring cap flying in the air and it's falls down on kiyoshi's hair, hanazuki runs up to kiyoshi and checked if he's okay.
Hanazuki:Kiyoshi! Are you okay!
Kiyoshi:I'm not fine! I mean body's fine, but I'm not
Hanazuki:Well I'm glad you're alright, but what'd you mean you're not?
Kiyoshi:I'm just not good at this kinds of stuff. You good at baking and I'm not. You'd just...find someone else to do the work and not someone who's a clumsy clots like me
Hanazuki:Kiyoshi what are you talking about? Your not a clumsy clots, your just need to pay attention more
Kiyoshi:Hanazuki, I need to tell you something...when kiazuki told that I'm the master of baking, she lied
Hanazuki:She lied? Kiazuki? Why would she do that?
Kiyoshi:Because she thought she can bring us together after the way we've been separating from each other
Hanazuki:Then if kiazuki have lied to me, then why you told me that you were good at baking?
Kiyoshi:Because I just went along so I could make up the fact that I'm just not good enough for you...
Hanazuki:Kiyoshi, you were always good enough for me. I'm still mad at you and kiazuki for lying to me, but I don't hate you forever. I love as a friend, and I know you don't hate me or like me, I can give you a chance for making this up to me
Kiyoshi:How about I can read the ingredients and you can put them up in the bowl once I said them out loud. Deal?
As hanazuki and kiyoshi shaking their hands and starts baking moon christmas cookies again, later on kiazuki, maroshi, and miyumi got back from walking around the moon they took off their winter clothes and hang's them on the coat rack, they smell something delicious and the smells coming over to the kitchen when they did the other's saw hanazuki and kiyoshi were sitting by the counter eating their newly prove moon christmas cookies, they walk to them and saw the tray full sugary taste cookies and the others were impressed.
Maroshi:Whoa! Are those gingerbread cookies, dude's?
Hanazuki:No, maroshi, they're moon christmas cookie's
Kiyoshi:Here. Try one
Maroshi: *munching* Aw, sick! This is...awesome!
Miyumi: *munching* Oh , wow, girl. You must've baked best cookies like last time
Hanazuki:Well like I said miyumi, kiyoshi help me out with them
Kiyoshi:Your welcome, hz
Kiazuki:So if anyone gonna mansion these wonderful cookies, I should probably them in my mouth. Ow!
Hanazuki:Oh, no, kiazuki. You don't deserve to get a cookie because you'd lie to me about kiyoshi is a best at baking and he's not!
Kiazuki:What you told her?
Hanazuki:Unless if you so badly want a cookie, you have to apologize to me
Kiazuki:Fine. I'm sorry for lying to you about kiyoshi is the best for baking delicious food. Now give me a cookie!
Kiyoshi:You didn't say please
Kiyoshi: *sighing* Please
Hanazuki:Apologize excepted
Kiyoshi:Man. She never learn do she?
Hanazuki:Nope. Now whatddya say we go head over to the table and eat our famous cookies, everyone?
As hanazuki grabs the tray of moon christmas cookies and heads right over to the moon kitchen table while her friends follow her and they started sharing and eating their moon christmas cookies together before they sat down on their chair's.

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