Hanazuki's moon Xmas holiday! Day twelve:The present's giving! 🎁💝

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In hanazuki's moon after hanazuki and kiyoshi bakes the moon christmas cookies for their moonflower friend's and they've already tasted and love it from yesterday, today's the moon december twelve and it's the afternoon of the today's date, in kiyoshi's room kiyoshi was in his room working up on something that he supposed to be doing, he holding up a white pascal stone and he puts it on his desk he grabs one of his tools and starts working on the stone, but before he could used tools to start off the stone he doesn't know what he'll make for his beloved friend his crush hanazuki. Until kiyoshi heard someone is knocking on his door and when the door open itself it was kiazuki, kiyoshi turns around to see who it was and he saw that it's kiazuki when he sees her kiazuki walks up to him and asks him what's doing.
Kiazuki:Hey, kiyoshi, whatcha doin'?
Kiyoshi:Nothing much, kiazuki. Just making something for hanazuki
Kiazuki:You mean your true love?
Kiyoshi:Would you stop making the secret love jokes? It's getting annoying
Kiazuki:Yeah, the love jokes is getting to old for but not me. Annoying you with the secret love on my sis is the fun part
Kiyoshi:Is that why you came here? So you can impressing me?
Kiazuki:That's not what I'm here for. I just wanna see what're you making for hanazuki
Kiyoshi:I haven't done anything yet, I couldn't think of way to make something special for her
Kiazuki:Well isn't there meant something for hanazuki?
Kiyoshi:Like what?
Kiazuki:Like the power of friendship, the true meaning of love, and especially the special thing is family
Kiyoshi:Huh. I never thought about it. There so much choose, but I don't know where to pick
Kiazuki:I'll just leave you alone to work out your little project, while I'm gonna go work on my's. See ya
When kiazuki walks out of kiyoshi's room and heading to her room to work on her work, kiyoshi turns back to his pascal stone he starts to think about kiazuki said of hanazuki love the things she care about, her family, friends, and the special moment is her big heart, kiyoshi just needs to choose wisely for his time on his stone. Then an idea pops out of his head and kiyoshi smiles in joy before he glows lavender, he just figured out a way to make something very special for crush and starts using his tools on the stone, later that night everyone was sitting in a circle on the rug they were all wearing their christmas sweater's and they're all for the giving each christmas gifts like it was their birthday. Hanazuki got the first gift from kiazuki it was a portrait of the moonflower sister's hugging each other, the second gift from maroshi it's a blue turtle bracelet, and the third gift was from miyumi it's a good fancy mirror and the back part of hanazuki's nestle on it. Kiyoshi got his first gift from hanazuki it was a purple stuff unicorn toy, the second gift it was from kiazuki it's a small galaxy antique telescope, the third gift was from maroshi it's a orange seahorse bracelet, and the fourth gift from miyumi was a boy's cologne. Kiazuki got her first gift from hanazuki it was a moonflower friendship bracelet, the second gift from kiyoshi was a magnificent warrior sword in case of middle crisis or a battle, the third gift from maroshi is a fishbone bracelet, and the fourth gift was from miyumi and it's a gray rubber glitter headband with a white skull on it. Maroshi first gift was from hanazuki is a rainbow bracelet with the small rainbow item on it, the second gift was from kiazuki it was a new green wrist band rope, the third gift was from kiyoshi it was a new flying space surfer board, and the fourth gift was from miyumi it was also a boy's cologne. And miyumi first gift was from hanazuki it's a plush slooth image of bb, the second gift was from kiazuki was a black sharp brass knuckles, the third from kiyoshi was a new daily hairbrush, the last gift from maroshi was a beautiful starfish bracelet. While the hemka's, the unicorn's, zikoro, the flochis, and the slooth's opened up their gifts from each other and enjoying playing with them, as the moonflower's where thanking each other for their wonderful gift's.
Hanazuki:OH! My gifts are so amazing! Thank you for making this portrait of us, kiazuki! I always knew we've have such great talent!
Kiazuki:My pleasure, hanazuki. I just can't believe that you've made this crazy awesome sword for me, kiyoshi!
Kiyoshi:Well I know how you liked your weapons should be sharp, extra pointy, and-!? Watch out where you swinging that sword, kz!
Kiazuki:Sorry. I was just testing it!
Kiyoshi:Well next time to be careful where you carrying your new sword! Anyway's thanks for giving a new galaxy telescope! Now I'd use it I can spying whatever I want with this... in case I need something comes up
Maroshi:Yeah! You dude's even got me a new surfer board and a wrist band?
Kiazuki:Well, kiazuki, you'd always told us that you've wanted them so bad, and look what you got
Maroshi:You two are the coolest pals I've never ask for! And thanks for give me and kiyoshi this uh, what you call it?
Maroshi:Right, cologne. I don't get it...
Kiyoshi:Did you have to give us theses?
Miyumi:Well, sweetie, you and your friend gonna need it someday. And hanazuki! Thank you for making a plush toy of bb, it look just like him!
Hanazuki:It'll help you to remember him and not giving up on him
Miyumi:Why would I giving up on him when I have a few chance on bringing back!
Hanazuki:It's great to see you all with your gift's from all us. But I've been missing one last gift from someone. Kiyoshi?
Kiyoshi:Who? Me?
Hanazuki:Ain't you gonna give me your present? Since I've already give you a stuff unicorn toy?
Kiyoshi:Right. I have it right in my back. Here. It's the best I can do for you, hanazuki
Hanazuki:Thanks, kiyoshi. What is it?
Kiyoshi:You'll see
As hanazuki unwrapped the small box and opens the top to see what it is, when she did hanazuki gasped in shocked and so they the other's when hanazuki is holding up a moon snow globe. It was snow globe of hanazuki and kiyoshi were holding hands together and looking at each other face's with a big heart in the back front of the two inside the snow globe, and hanazuki felt her heart was pounding and can't believe kiyoshi have made these to her.
Kiyoshi:So, hanazuki? Do you like...if not I could just take it back from-?!
Kiyoshi was cut off by hanazuki who jumped into him and giving him a big hug for giving her special gift of all time before she turns pink.
Hanazuki:Oh, kiyoshi! It's amazing! I love it, I love it, I love it! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Kiyoshi:Glad you like it, hz
Kiyoshi hugs back hanazuki and glows pink too, he wouldn't believe that the gift he made actually works, kiyoshi felt his cheeks blushing red while the other's stares at the two for a moment and they enjoyed their friend's being a mushy and cute on moon christmas.

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